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Simulation modelling of a hypothetical introduction of foot-and-mouth disease into Alberta.


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This study describes the use of simulation modelling to evaluate the predicted benefits of an effective livestock traceability system in responding to a hypothetical introduction of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in to the province of Alberta, Canada, and whether or not the implementation of emergency ring vaccination in addition to a standard stamping-out (SO) strategy would lead to smaller and shorter epidemics. Three introduction scenarios were defined, with the primary case in either an intensive beef feedlot operation, an extensive cow-calf operation or in a swine operation. Disease spread was simulated using, three levels of tracing effectiveness, five types of vaccination zone, three different vaccination start times, three lengths of vaccination campaigns, two levels of culling resource and using FMD strains with two different virulence levels. Using standard SO procedures (without vaccination), improving traceability effectiveness from a level whereby only 65% of movements were traced within 5-7 days, to a capability whereby all movements were traced within 1 day, led to a reduction in the number of infected premises (IPs) between 18.7 and 64.5%, an average saving of CAN$29,000,000 in livestock compensation costs alone, and a reduction in the length of epidemics ranging from 1 to 22 days. The implementation of emergency vaccination also led to a reduction in the number of IPs and a shortening of epidemics. The effects were more pronounced when the higher virulence settings were used, with a predicted reduction in IPs of 16.6-68.7% (mean=48.6%) and epidemics shortened by up to 37 days. Multi-variable analyses showed these effects were highly significant, after accounting for the incursion location, virulence of virus and time of first detection. The results clearly demonstrated the benefits of having effective traceability systems with rapid query and reporting functionality. The results also supported the value of early vaccination as an adjunct to SO in reducing the number of IPs and shortening the length of the epidemics. The most effective vaccination strategy involved a 3 km or larger suppressive vaccination zone around all IPs, begun as soon as practicable after first detection, and which continued until the last IP was detected.
机译:这项研究描述了如何使用模拟模型评估有效的牲畜追溯系统在预测加拿大加拿大艾伯塔省口蹄疫(FMD)的假设引入中的预期收益以及是否实施除了标准的冲销(SO)策略外,对紧急环疫苗的接种将导致流行病越来越小。定义了三种引进方案,主要情况是在集约化肥牛饲养场,广泛的牛犊操作或养猪场。使用三个级别的追踪有效性,五种类型的疫苗接种区,三种不同的疫苗接种开始时间,三种疫苗接种活动时间,两种级别的淘汰资源以及使用具有两种不同毒力水平的FMD菌株来模拟疾病传播。使用标准的SO程序(不进行疫苗接种),将可追溯性的有效性从在5-7天内仅追踪到65%的动作的水平提高到可以在1天内追踪到所有动作的水平,从而减少了被感染的数量房舍的价值在18.7%至64.5%之间,仅牲畜补偿成本平均可节省29,000,000加元,并且减少了1至22天的流行时间。实施紧急疫苗接种还导致减少了原住民的数量并缩短了流行病的时间。当使用更高的毒力设置时,效果更加明显,预计IP减少16.6-68.7%(平均= 48.6%),流行病最多可缩短37天。多变量分析表明,在考虑了入侵​​位置,病毒的毒力和首次检测时间之后,这些影响非常显着。结果清楚地表明了拥有具有快速查询和报告功能的有效追溯系统的好处。结果还支持早期接种疫苗作为SO的辅助手段在减少IP数量和缩短流行时间方面的价值。最有效的疫苗接种策略是在所有IP周围设置3 km或更大的抑制性疫苗接种区域,该区域应在首次检测到后尽快开始,并一直持续到检测到最后一个IP。



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