首页> 外文期刊>Chemical research in toxicology >Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis of N~2-(trans-Isoestragol-3'-yl)-2'-deoxyguanosine as a Strategy to Study Species Differences in Sulfotransferase Conversion of the Proximate Carcinogen l'-Hydroxyestragole

Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis of N~2-(trans-Isoestragol-3'-yl)-2'-deoxyguanosine as a Strategy to Study Species Differences in Sulfotransferase Conversion of the Proximate Carcinogen l'-Hydroxyestragole


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To get more insight into possible species differences in the bioactivation of estragole, the kinetics for sulfonation of the proximate carcinogen l'-hydroxyestragole were compared for male rat, male mouse, and mixed gender human liver S9 homogenates. In order to quantify sulfonation, 2'-deoxyguanosine was added to the incubation mixture in which sulfonation of l'-hydroxyestragole was catalyzed to trap the reactive l'-sulfooxyestragole. A method was developed with which the formation of the most abundant adduct with 2'-deoxyguanosine could be quantified using isotope dilution LC-ESI-MS/MS. Comparing the kinetics for sulfonation by liver S9 homogenates of male rat, male mouse, and humans revealed that sulfonation was about 30 times more efficient by male rat liver S9 than by human liver S9, whereas the catalytic efficiency by male mouse and human liver S9 was about the same. This indicates, as far as the bioactivation by sulfotransferase is concerned, that when extrapolating the cancer risk from laboratory animals to humans, using data from male rats may overestimate the cancer risk in humans, whereas using data from male mice may provide a better estimate of the cancer risk in humans.
机译:为了更深入地了解雌激素生物活化中可能存在的物种差异,比较了雄性大鼠,雄性小鼠和性别混合的人类肝脏S9匀浆的最接近致癌物l'-羟基雌激素的磺化动力学。为了定量磺化,将2'-脱氧鸟苷添加到孵育混合物中,在该孵育混合物中催化l'-羟基雌二醇的磺化以捕获反应性l'-磺氧基雌甾烯。开发了一种方法,可使用同位素稀释LC-ESI-MS / MS定量最丰富的2'-脱氧鸟苷加合物的形成。比较雄性大鼠,雄性小鼠和人类的肝S9匀浆的磺化动力学,发现雄性大鼠肝S9的磺化效率比人肝S9的磺化效率高约30倍,而雄性小鼠和人肝S9的磺化效率高30倍。差不多。就磺基转移酶的生物激活而言,这表明,当将实验动物的癌症风险推断给人类时,使用雄性大鼠的数据可能会高估人类的癌症风险,而使用雄性小鼠的数据可能会提供更好的估计人类患癌症的风险。



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