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Evaluation of fungicides for control of downy mildew of cabbage, Sampson County 2007.


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The experiment was conducted in a commercial cabbage field near Clinton, NC (N35deg 03.332’; W078deg 17.417’). Cabbage was seeded in the greenhouse on 21 Dec 06 and transplanted in the field on 19 Feb. No irrigation was used. Treatments were randomized into four complete blocks. Plots were bare ground, single-bedded rows, spaced at 42 in., 15 ft long with 5- ft fallow borders on each end and non-treated guard rows on each side. Fungicide treatments were applied using a CO2-pressurized sprayer equipped with a single-nozzle, handheld boom with a hollow cone nozzle (TXVS-26) delivering 40 gal/A at 45 psi. Applications were made on a 7-day interval: 30 Mar, 5, 13, 20, 27 Apr and 4 and 10 May. Downy mildew severity was evaluated on 27 Apr, 3 and 11 May. Disease severity was assessed as the number of leaves per plant with downy mildew lesions. Harvest data was taken on 18 and 22 May as the number of marketable heads per plot.
机译:该实验在北卡罗来纳州克林顿附近的商业白菜田中进行(N35deg 03.332'; W078deg 17.417')。卷心菜于06年12月21日播种在温室中,并于2月19日移植到田间。不进行灌溉。治疗被随机分为四个完整的区块。地块为裸露的单层行,间隔42英寸,长15英尺,两端分别有5英尺的休耕边界,两侧均未经处理。使用配备单喷嘴手持式动臂的CO2加压喷雾器进行杀菌剂处理,手持式动臂带有空心圆锥形喷嘴(TXVS-26),在45 psi下可提供40 gal / A的流量。申请间隔7天:3月30日,5月13日,13日,20日,4月27日以及5月4日和10日。在4月27日,5月3日和5月11日评估了霜霉病的严重程度。病害严重程度以每株有霜霉病病害的叶片数进行评估。收获数据于5月18日至22日获得,为每块地的可出售头数。



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