首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >The Effectiveness of Computerized Instructional Packages on Concept Acquisition and Improving Academic Achievement among Female Deaf Students in KSA

The Effectiveness of Computerized Instructional Packages on Concept Acquisition and Improving Academic Achievement among Female Deaf Students in KSA




The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of computerized instructional packages on concept acquisition and improving academic achievement among deaf students in Saudi Arabia. The sample consisted of (16) third-grade female deaf students in prep stage for the first semester of the academic year 2013/2014, randomly selected from schools in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and distributed evenly to two groups: control group (n = 8) and experimental group (n = 8). Quasi-experimental method used to achieve the objective of the study. Computerized instructional packages, test of concept acquisition and academic achievement test were utilized to collect data. The results showed statistically significant differences between the performances’ mean of the control group and experimental group in the concept acquisition posttest and academic achievement posttest and differences were in favor of the experimental group. The study recommended the need to provide computerized instructional packages in all institutes and programs for people with special needs, especially the deaf, and with concern for the provision of modern methods that take into account the easiness and performance effectiveness. The study also recommended the need to train teachers of students with special needs, specifically the deaf, on the use of computerized instructional packages, in addition to the need for an education technology specialist for the deaf in each institute.
机译:当前的研究旨在调查在沙特阿拉伯聋哑学生中,计算机化教学包对概念获取和提高学业成绩的有效性。样本包括(16)2013/2014学年第一学期预备阶段的三年级女聋生,他们是从沙特阿拉伯吉达市的学校中随机抽取的,并平均分配给两个组:对照组( n = 8)和实验组(n = 8)。准实验方法用来达到研究目的。利用计算机化的教学包,概念习得测试和学业成绩测试来收集数据。结果显示,在概念习得后测和学业成就后测中,对照组和实验组的平均表现在统计学上有显着差异,而差异则有利于实验组。该研究建议需要在所有机构和计划中为有特殊需求(尤其是聋哑人)的人提供计算机化的教学包,并关注提供兼顾易用性和性能有效性的现代方法。该研究还建议,除了在每个机构中都需要针对聋人的教育技术专家之外,还需要对使用聋哑人的特殊需求的教师进行计算机化教学包的培训。



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