首页> 中文期刊> 《管子学刊》 >汉代教化与劝农政策略论




在农官制度相对比较完备的基础上,汉代帝王亲耕,地方官吏劝勉农桑,乡里社会选拔"力田"助成重农风气,从中央到地方的劝农政策,都闪烁着教化的光彩.汉廷通过宏观调控确定农业发展的大方向,具体细则由地方官吏自主制定,其内容是国家劝农务本的宏观政策的具体化和优化,往往因地,因时制宜.百姓易于接受.地方官吏作为汉政府的代表,躬劝农耕,具有比较大的号召力,会收到良好的效果.百姓安居乐业,有利于社会稳定,进一步为国家政策的顺利实施创造了更好的条件.形成一种良性循环.%In Han dynasty, the policy on officials in charge of the agricultural was relatively complete. Besides the Emperor also took part in the Cultivating Ceremony by himself, and the local officials en-couraged farmers to sow. And they elected Litian who's outstanding in cultivating crop. The empha-sis on agriculture from the local government to the central government shone brightly with the influ-ence of moralization. The court made general policies of macro-control in agricultural development, and the local officials suited their measures to different conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved so that local farmers are willing to accept. The magistrates had charisma because they presented the Court and they worked themselves to set a good example, so the result turned to be well. In this condition, the common people could live and work in peace and contentment, which pro-vided very favorable conditions for social stability, and farther, the national policies can be carried out more smoothly. What a virtuous cycle it was!



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