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Ozone Biomonitoring with Bel-W3 Tobacco Plants in the City of Valencia (Spain)


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A biomonitoring study using the ozone-sensitive bioindicator plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Bel-W3 was conducted in the city of Valencia (eastern Spain) and surrounding areas in 2002. Plants were exposed to ambient air at seven sites, including four traffic-exposed urban sites, a large urban garden and a suburban and a rural station, for six consecutive 2-week periods using highly standardised methods. Foliar injury was registered at all stations in at least one of the exposure periods. The urban stations submitted to intense traffic showed lower ozone injury than the less traffic-exposed stations. Strong changes in the intensity of ozone injury were observed for the different exposure periods. Leaf injury was significantly related to both mean ozone values (24 and 12 h means) and cumulative exposure indices (AOT20, AOT40). However, correlation strength was moderate (r_s=0.39 to 0.58), suggesting that the plant response to ozone was modified by environmental factors. The use of sensitive bioindicators like tobacco Bel-W3 in cities provides complementary information to that of continuously operating air quality monitors, as the impact of ambient ozone levels is directly measured.
机译:使用对臭氧敏感的生物指示剂植物Nicotiana tabacum cv的生物监测研究。 Bel-W3于2002年在瓦伦西亚市(西班牙东部)及其周边地区进行。植物在7个地点暴露于环境空气中,包括4个交通繁忙的城市地点,一个大型城市花园以及一个郊区和一个乡村车站,使用高度标准化的方法连续六个星期进行两次。在至少一个暴露时间段内,所有站均记录了叶损伤。与交通较少的车站相比,交通繁忙的城市车站的臭氧伤害较低。在不同的暴露时间里,臭氧破坏强度发生了很大的变化。叶片损伤与平均臭氧值(24小时和12小时平均值)和累积暴露指数(AOT20,AOT40)均显着相关。但是,相关强度中等(r_s = 0.39至0.58),表明植物对臭氧的反应受到环境因素的影响。由于直接测量环境臭氧水平的影响,因此在城市中使用敏感的生物指示剂(例如Bel-W3烟草)可为连续运行的空气质量监测器提供补充信息。



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