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Happiness Isn't Normal


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Before he was an accomplished psychologist, steven hayes was a mental patient. His first panic attack came on suddenly, in 1978, as he sat in a psychology-department meeting at the Univer- sity of North Carolina at Greensboro, where he was an assistant professor. The meeting had turned into one of those icy personal and philosophical debates common on campuses, but when Hayes tried to make a point, he couldn't speak. As everyone turned to him, his mouth could only open and close wordlessly, as though it were a broken toy. His heart raced, and he thought he might be having a heart attack. He was 29. Eventually the attack subsided, but a week later he endured a similar episode in another meeting. Over the next two years, the panic attacks grew more frequent. Overwhelming feelings of anxiety colonized more and more of his life's terrain. By 1980, Hayes could lecture only with great difficulty, and he virtually never rode in an elevator, walked into a movie theater or ate in a restaurant. Because he couldn't teach much, he would often show films in his classes, and his hands would shake so badly that he could barely get the 8-mm film into the projector. As a student, he had earned his way from modest programs at colleges in California and West Virginia to an internship at Brown Medical School with esteemed psychologist David Barlow. Hayes had hoped to be a full professor by his early 30s, but what had been a promising career stalled.
机译:史蒂芬·海斯(Steven Hayes)在成为一名有成就的心理学家之前,是一个精神病人。 1978年,当他坐在北卡罗来纳大学格林斯伯勒分校的心理学系会议上时,他的第一次惊恐发作突然发生,在那里他担任助理教授。会议变成了校园中普遍的那种冰冷的个人辩论和哲学辩论,但是当海耶斯试图提出观点时,他却无法讲话。当所有人转向他时,他的嘴只能无言地张开和合上,仿佛这是一个破碎的玩具。他的心脏跳动,他认为自己可能会心脏病发作。他当时29岁。最终袭击消退,但一周后,他在另一次会议上忍受了类似的发作。在接下来的两年中,恐慌发作变得越来越频繁。压倒性的焦虑情绪席卷了他一生中越来越多的领域。到1980年,海斯只能非常困难地讲课,他几乎从未乘电梯,走进电影院或在餐馆吃饭。由于他不能教太多东西,所以他经常在课堂上放映电影,而且他的手摇得很厉害,以至于他几乎无法将8毫米胶片放到投影机中。作为一名学生,他从加利福尼亚和西维吉尼亚大学的适度课程,到著名心理学家戴维·巴洛(David Barlow)在布朗医学院(Brown Medical School)的实习,一路走来。海耶斯原本希望在30年代初成为一名正教授,但是那段有希望的职业却停滞了。



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