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Educational Practice and Development of Human Capabilities


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When you enrol as a student you are assigned a ‘place’ in education. This assignment will gradually imply an assessment of you as a human being. We argue that these are processes taking place in educational practice. In our orientation in educational research an orientation towards a theory of action has been inspired by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. In our search for an educational practice that could describe what it is that makes the student a capable human being we continue in the spirit of Ricoeur. The text is divided in two parts. In the first part, Basic Capabilities in Education, we are asking: Who is the student if education is the process where the student learns to be a capable human being? We try to answer this with the help of Ricoeur’s phenomenology of the capable human being which is structured around the capacity to speak, to act, to tell and finally to impute. In the second part, Institutional Mediations of Capabilities in Education, we try to show how the transmission of the human capacities to an actualization through education at an institutional level, represented by the teacher, is necessary. If the student shall become a capable human being s/he has to have conditions for actualizations of her capacities. A paradigm for this is found in the process of assigning and assessing in education.
机译:当您注册为学生时,您将获得一个“教育场所”。这项作业将逐渐暗示您对自己的评价。我们认为这些是教育实践中发生的过程。在我们的教育研究方向中,法国哲学家保罗·里科尔(Paul Ricoeur)激发了对行动理论的方向。在我们寻找可以描述使学生成为有能力的人的东西的教育实践时,我们继续秉承Ricoeur的精神。全文分为两部分。在第一部分“教育的基本能力”中,我们要问:如果教育是学生学习成为有能力的人的过程,那么谁是学生?我们试图借助理科关于有能力的人的现象学来回答这个问题,这种现象围绕说话,行动,说话和最终演绎的能力而构建。在第二部分“教育的机构能力思考”中,我们试图说明如何通过以教师为代表的机构水平的教育将人的能力传递到实现中。如果学生要成为有能力的人,他/她必须具备实现其能力的条件。在教育的分配和评估过程中找到了这种范例。



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