首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Philosophy and Education >Educational Theory as Topological Rhetoric: The Concepts of Pedagogy of Johann Friedrich Herbart and Friedrich Schleiermacher

Educational Theory as Topological Rhetoric: The Concepts of Pedagogy of Johann Friedrich Herbart and Friedrich Schleiermacher


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The debate concerning the relation of the theory of education and the practice of education is not new. In Germany, these discussions are an integral part of the development of educational science in the eighteenth century which is closely connected to Johann Friedrich Herbart and Friedrich Schleiermacher. Their concepts illustrate different answers upon the question of how to connect theory and practice in education. And although those answers are embedded in a very specific horizon of ethical and metaphysical ideas, the problems which are addressed in those discussions are still important in modern debates. The paper focuses upon the concepts of Herbart and Schleiermacher and presents those theories in the problematic context of the possibilities and limitations of educational theory and its importance for educational practice.
机译:关于教育理论与教育实践之间关系的争论并不新鲜。在德国,这些讨论是18世纪教育科学发展不可或缺的一部分,与约翰·弗里德里希·赫尔巴特(Johann Friedrich Herbart)和弗里德里希·施莱尔马赫(Friedrich Schleiermacher)息息相关。在如何将理论与实践联系起来的问题上,他们的概念说明了不同的答案。尽管这些答案都嵌入了非常具体的道德和形而上学思想视野,但这些讨论中所解决的问题在现代辩论中仍然很重要。本文着眼于Herbart和Schleiermacher的概念,并在教育理论的可能性和局限性及其在教育实践中的重要性的有问题的背景下提出了这些理论。



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