首页> 外文期刊>Research in Higher Education >A Tale of Two Groups: Differences Between Minority Students and Non-Minority Students in their Predispositions to and Engagement with Diverse Peers at a Predominantly White Institution

A Tale of Two Groups: Differences Between Minority Students and Non-Minority Students in their Predispositions to and Engagement with Diverse Peers at a Predominantly White Institution


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Using a revised version of the Transition to College Model (Locks et al. 2008, Rev High Educ 31(3), 257–285), this study examined the extent to which minority students and non-minority students differ in their predispositions to engage in campus-based diversity activities as well as in their engagement with ethnically diverse college peers at a predominantly White college. Findings indicate that engagement with diverse peers is a learned behavior; one that was shaped long before a student stepped into college. The importance of past interactions with diverse peers extends beyond freshman year predispositions to engage; students who interacted with diverse students prior to college were also more prone to report engagement with diverse peers at the end of their sophomore year. Notably, freshmen minority students were more predisposed to engage diverse peers next to their White peers; these ethnic-based differences, however, dissipated by the end of the sophomore year of college.
机译:使用修订版的《大学过渡模式》(Locks等人,2008,Rev High Educ 31(3),257–285),该研究考察了少数族裔学生和非少数族裔学生在参与的倾向上的差异程度参与基于校园的多样性活动,以及与以白人为主的大学中具有种族差异的大学同龄人交往。研究结果表明,与不同的同龄人交往是一种博学的行为。一个在学生上大学之前就形成的形状。过去与各种同龄人互动的重要性超出了大一新生的参与倾向。在大学二年级前与大学不同学生互动的学生在二年级末更倾向于报告与不同同学的互动。值得注意的是,新生的少数民族学生更倾向于与白人同龄人一起从事多样化的同龄人活动。但是,这些基于种族的差异在大学二年级结束时就消失了。



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