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Jim Crow: A Historical Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic

机译:吉姆·克劳(Jim Crow):美国马赛克的历史百科全书

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Jim Crow describes the period of US history from the failure of Reconstruction following the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s. Following the emancipation of African Americans, southern states took advantage of the federal government's lassiez-faire approach to enforcing equality by codifying discriminatory laws that made it difficult, often impossible, for African Americans to vote, obtain employment, buy homes and live without constantly fearing being arrested or lynched for manufactured charges. This state of "separate but equal" - which was always more of the former than the latter - has continued to affect and inform the lives of African Americans into the twenty-first century.
机译:吉姆·克罗(Jim Crow)描述了美国历史,从内战结束后重建失败到1950年代民权运动开始。随着非裔美国人的解放,南部各州通过编纂歧视性法律来利用联邦政府采取的放任自流的方法来实施平等,歧视性法律使非裔美国人难以投票,获得就业,买房和生活,而又不会不断担心被捕或私刑以作假。这种“分离但平等”的状态-总是比前者更为重要-一直影响着二十一世纪的非洲裔美国人的生活,并影响着他们的生活。



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