首页> 外国专利> Improvements in or relating to 'Jim Crows' and similar Appliances for Bending and Straightening Rails, Tubes and the like.

Improvements in or relating to 'Jim Crows' and similar Appliances for Bending and Straightening Rails, Tubes and the like.

机译:对“ Jim Crows”和类似的用于弯曲和拉直导轨,管子等的器具的改进。


10,792. Threlfall, R. J., and Newman, B. May 23. Bending; straightening.-The screw b of a Jim crow or like tool for bending or straightening rails, pipes, &c., is operable either directly by means of a crowbar or by means of a worm-wheel and a worm g, the wheel being slidable, but prevented by a key and keyway from rotating. on the screw b, and the worm mounted eccentrically in bushes h rotatable by means of a handle k in the lugs j, or otherwise arranged, so as to be disengageable from the worm-wheel.
机译:10792。 Threlfall,R。J.和Newman,B。5月23日。 -用于弯曲或拉直轨道,管道等的Jim乌鸦或类似工具的螺钉b可以直接通过撬棍或通过蜗轮和蜗杆g进行操作,该轮子可滑动,但通过键和键槽阻止旋转。蜗杆偏心地安装在蜗杆h中,该蜗杆可通过把手j在凸耳j中偏心地安装或以其他方式布置,从而可与蜗轮脱开。



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