首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Targeting the absence: Homozygous DNA deletions as immutable signposts for cancer therapy

Targeting the absence: Homozygous DNA deletions as immutable signposts for cancer therapy


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Many cancers harbor homozygous DNA deletions (HDs). In contrast to other attributes of cancer cells, their HDs are immutable features that cannot change during tumor progression or therapy. I describe an approach, termed deletion-specific targeting (DST), that employs HDs (not their effects on RNA/protein circuits, but deletions themselves) as the targets of cancer therapy. The DST strategy brings together both existing and new methodologies, including the ubiquitin fusion technique, the split-ubiquitin assay, zinc-finger DNA-recognizing proteins and split restriction nucleases. The DST strategy also employs a feedback mechanism that receives input from a circuit operating as a Boolean OR gate and involves the activation of split nucleases, which destroy DST vector in normal (nontarget) cells. The logic of DST makes possible an incremental and essentially unlimited increase in the selectivity of therapy. If DST strategy can be implemented in a clinical setting, it may prove to be curative and substantially free of side effects.
机译:许多癌症具有纯合DNA缺失(HD)。与癌细胞的其他属性相反,它们的HDs是不变的特征,在肿瘤进展或治疗过程中不能改变。我描述了一种称为删除特异性靶向(DST)的方法,该方法将HD(不是其对RNA /蛋白质回路的作用,而是缺失本身)作为癌症治疗的目标。 DST策略将现有方法和新方法结合在一起,包括泛素融合技术,分裂泛素测定,锌指DNA识别蛋白和分裂限制性核酸酶。 DST策略还采用了一种反馈机制,该机制从作为布尔或门操作的电路接收输入,并涉及分裂核酸酶的激活,这会破坏正常(非靶标)细胞中的DST向量。 DST的逻辑使得治疗选择性的增加和基本上无限的增加成为可能。如果DST策略可以在临床环境中实施,则可以证明它是治愈性的,而且基本上没有副作用。



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