首页> 外文期刊>Polish Journal of Environmental Studies >Determining Pesticide Residues in Honey and their Potential Risk to Consumers

Determining Pesticide Residues in Honey and their Potential Risk to Consumers


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Forty-six organochlorine, organophosphorous, pyrethroid, and organonitrogen pesticides were analyzed in honey samples collected from 18 apiaries located in 9 centers in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, Egypt, during 2011 by the QuEChERS method followed by gas chromatography. The recovery results ranged from 84.20 to 120.30%. The method provided limits of detection (LOD) in the range of 0.001-0.168 mg·kg~(-1). The results indicated that residues of the tested pesticides were detected in 55.6% of the collected samples and most of the detected pesticides belonged to the organochlorine and organophosphorous groups. Concerning the most detected pesticide residues, dicofol was found in 38.9% of the samples analyzed owing to its applications to control Varroa destructor. Other acaricides used by beekeepers against Varroa destructor were also detected (i.e., bromopropylate, tetradifon, malathion), indicating that the chemicals used by apiculturists inside the hives in order to control disease are the main pollutants of the produced honey. 81.8% of the detected pesticides exceeded the European Union maximum residue levels (EU MRLs). Data obtained were then used for estimating the potential health risks associated with exposure to these pesticides. Estimated daily intake (EDI) of the detected pesticides were much lower than acceptable daily intakes (ADIs), which show that honey consumption has a minimal contribution to toxicological risk. Our study suggests the need for regularly monitoring programs for pesticide residues in honey at the national level to protect consumer health.
机译:2011年,采用QuEChERS方法,随后采用气相色谱法,分析了埃及Kafr El-Sheikh省9个中心的18个养蜂场收集的蜂蜜样品中的46种有机氯,有机磷,拟除虫菊酯和有机氮农药。回收率在84.20%至120.30%之间。该方法提供的检出限(LOD)为0.001-0.168 mg·kg〜(-1)。结果表明,在55.6%的样品中检出了残留的农药,检出的农药大部分属于有机氯和有机磷基团。关于检测到最多的农药残留,由于其可用于控制Varroa破坏因子,因此在分析的样品中发现了38.9%的三氯杀螨醇。还检测到养蜂人使用的其他杀螨剂以抗Varroa破坏剂(即溴丙酸酯,丁苯磺草,马拉硫磷),这表明蜂箱内养蜂人用来控制疾病的化学物质是所生产蜂蜜的主要污染物。检测到的农药中有81.8%超过了欧盟的最大残留限量(EU MRLs)。然后将获得的数据用于估计与接触这些农药有关的潜在健康风险。所检测到的农药的每日估计摄入量(EDI)远远低于可接受的每日摄入量(ADIs),这表明蜂蜜的摄入对毒理学风险的影响很小。我们的研究表明,需要在国家一级定期监测蜂蜜中农药残留的计划,以保护消费者健康。



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