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Effect of Age at Slaughter on Chemical Traits and Sensory Quality of Longissimus lumborum Muscle in the Rabbit


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The effect of age on chemical composition and sensory quality of longissimus lumborum muscle was investigated in rabbits slaughtered at 11 weeks or 18 weeks of age. Intramus- cular fat (IMF) content increased form 1.3 to 2.2/100, crude protein content ranged from 3.4-26.9/100, whereas water content declined from 74. 0 to 69. 3/100, as the age increased. The sensory quality was assessed by a 10-member experienced sensory panel. The age was Found to affect meat tenderness, whereas juiciness and flavour did not differ significantly Between ages.
机译:在11周龄或18周龄处死的兔子中研究了年龄对长脊腰肌化学成分和感觉质量的影响。随着年龄的增长,肌内脂肪(IMF)含量从1.3增加到2.2 / 100,粗蛋白含量在3.4-26.9 / 100之间,而水分含量从74. 0下降到69. 3/100。感官质量由10名经验丰富的感官小组进行评估。发现年龄会影响肉的嫩度,而不同年龄之间的多汁和风味没有显着差异。



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