首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Vocational Education & Training >Student transition to upper secondary vocational and technical education (VTE) in Lebanon: from stigma to success

Student transition to upper secondary vocational and technical education (VTE) in Lebanon: from stigma to success


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Vocational and technical education (VTE) has traditionally been stigmatised in Arab societies owing to the lowly image of manual work and the perception of VTE as a last resort for weak school students. This paper focuses on the transition to upper secondary VTE from the regular Lebanese school system and on students' aspirations once they have done so. While regular school students' career aspirations largely reflected the conventional academic orientation of the school system and few contemplated moving into the VTE realm even if they failed, students who had made the transition expressed well-informed positive views regarding VTE, mostly concerning its direct linkages with career formation and the employment market. Despite the recognised 'job ticket' value of the Baccalaurat Technique, most envisaged pursuing a higher VTE qualification, and the aspirations of those intending to complete the Licence Technique were comparable to those of terminating Year 12 students in the regular academic system who were contemplating university. The paper ends by addressing specific problem areas in Lebanese upper secondary VTE.
机译:传统上,由于体力劳动的形象低下以及将VTE视为弱势学生的最后选择,在阿拉伯社会,职业和技术教育(VTE)受到了耻辱。本文着重于从正规的黎巴嫩学校系统过渡到高中VTE,以及学生一旦实现的志向。普通学校学生的职业志向在很大程度上反映了学校制度的传统学术取向,即使他们失败了,也很少有人考虑进入VTE领域,但完成过渡的学生对VTE表示了充分的积极看法,主要是关于VTE的直接联系。职业发展和就业市场。尽管Baccalaurat技术具有公认的“工作票”价值,但大多数设想获得更高的VTE资格,并且那些打算完成许可技术的人的志向与终止正在考虑大学的常规学术系统中的12年级学生的志向相当。 。本文以黎巴嫩高中职业教育与培训中的特定问题为重点。



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