首页> 外文期刊>Lightwave Technology, Journal of >Low-Loss Y-Branch Waveguides Designed by Wavefront Matching Method

Low-Loss Y-Branch Waveguides Designed by Wavefront Matching Method


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In this paper, we describe the procedure for designing low-loss Y-branch waveguides by the wavefront matching (WFM) method, and report experimental results as proof of concept. The designed Y-branches were fabricated using silica-based planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology. A Y-branch fabricated with a 0.45%-Delta waveguide exhibited a low excess loss of less than 0.2 dB over a wide wavelength range of 1250 to 1650 nm. In addition, we demonstrate that the WFM-designed Y-branches enable us to provide compact 1 times 32 splitters with an average insertion loss of 16.0 dB at a wavelength of 1550 nm. In addition, we present some experimental results obtained using samples with different Delta values, and show that our design method is more efficient for a higher Delta waveguide suitable for functional PLC devices.
机译:在本文中,我们描述了通过波前匹配(WFM)方法设计低损耗Y分支波导的过程,并报告了实验结果作为概念验证。设计的Y分支是使用基于二氧化硅的平面光波电路(PLC)技术制造的。用0.45%Δ波导制成的Y分支在1250至1650 nm的宽波长范围内表现出小于0.2 dB的低过大损耗。此外,我们证明了WFM设计的Y分支使我们能够提供紧凑的1乘32分离器,在1550 nm波长处的平均插入损耗为16.0 dB。此外,我们介绍了使用具有不同Delta值的样本获得的一些实验结果,并表明我们的设计方法对于适用于功能性PLC设备的更高Delta波导更有效。



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