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Fear Prudence: Hobbes and Williamson on the Morality of Contracting


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Theories of new institutionalism, and specifically Oliver Williamson's theory of transaction cost economics, argue that complete presentiment in contracts is an abstract design of classical economics, not a pragmatic product of contingent experience. Exchange is not a costless activity, nor the market "free." The ex ante costs of negotiation (finding a price) and the ex post costs of clarifying, executing, enforcing, sanctioning, and renegotiating are idiosyncrasies that interfere with the smoothness of an exchange. These idiosyncratic dimensions of contracting, in which transactions are "neither faceless, nor instantaneous" (Williamson 1985, 56), expose decision making to the contingent influence of habit, perceived vested interest, and limited knowledge and capacity. Organizations are a response to this decisional incompleteness and the attendant non-value-adding costs. An organization is a set of authority relations established by a "general contract, whereby agents agree essentially to 'tell and be told'" (Williamson 1985, 221) in order to minimize transaction uncertainty and hence costs (Spekle 2001). For Williamson, then, the driver behind organizational form is less the reduction in production costs (through specialization, etc.) than the increased certainty of exchange. This is realized by repressing the pursuit of localized interests; using decisional fiats rather than costly arbitration; having a "bird's eye" view of information flow facilitating the integration of activities both externally (for example, production with demand) and internally (for example, operations with strategy); and reducing the opportunity for shirking and embezzlement (1986, 143-146).
机译:新制度主义的理论,特别是奥利弗·威廉姆森(Oliver Williamson)的交易成本经济学理论,认为完整的合同表现形式是古典经济学的抽象设计,而不是偶然经验的实用产物。交换不是无价的活动,也不是市场的“自由”。谈判(确定价格)的事前成本以及澄清,执行,执行,制裁和重新谈判的事后成本是干扰交换顺畅性的特质。这些契约的特质维度,即交易不是“无面的,也不是瞬时的”(Williamson 1985,56),使决策暴露于习惯,感知到的既得利益以及有限的知识和能力的偶然影响。组织是对这种决策不完整性和随之而来的非增值成本的回应。组织是由“一般合同建立的一组权限关系,代理人实质上同意'告诉并告知'”(Williamson 1985,221),以最大程度地减少交易的不确定性和成本(Spekle 2001)。那么,对于威廉姆森而言,组织形式背后的驱动力,不是生产成本的减少(通过专业化等),而是交换确定性的提高。这是通过压制对局部利益的追求来实现的。使用决定性命令而不是昂贵的仲裁;具有信息流的“鸟瞰”视图,从而促进了外部(例如,有需求的生产)和内部(例如,有战略的运营)活动的集成;并减少了偷懒和贪污的机会(1986,143-146)。



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