首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization >The effect of production technology on trust and reciprocity in principal-agent relationships with team production

The effect of production technology on trust and reciprocity in principal-agent relationships with team production


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We introduce differently sized teams, rather than a single worker, and three production technologies to an otherwise standard gift-exchange environment to study experimentally whether, and to what extent, 'trust and reciprocity' is affected. Moving to a team of workers introduces new motivations, such as free riding and coordination burden, that are likely to intensify with team size and the technology used by the firm. We find that the positive relationship between wages and effort, although affected, still holds; workers reduce their efforts when coordination for efficiency is more difficult using a particular production technology. Results also suggest that for any given technology, firms react to their relevant outcome (profitability) and not just to workers' efforts. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们在不同的标准礼品交换环境中引入了不同规模的团队(而不是一个工人)和三种生产技术,以实验性地研究“信任和对等”是否以及在什么程度上受到影响。转移到一个团队中会引入新的动机,例如搭便车和协调负担,这些动机可能会随着团队规模和公司使用的技术而加剧。我们发现,工资与努力之间的积极关系尽管受到影响,但仍然存在;当使用特定的生产技术来协调效率变得更加困难时,工人可以减少工作量。结果还表明,对于任何给定的技术,企业不仅会对工人的努力做出反应,而且会对相应的结果(盈利能力)做出反应。 (C)2017 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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