首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy research >Specific effect of high-pressure treatment of milk on cheese proteolysis

Specific effect of high-pressure treatment of milk on cheese proteolysis


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The extent of primary and secondary proteolysis of cheeses made from raw (RA), pasteurized (PA, 72℃, 15s) or pressure-treated (PR, 500 MPa, 15 min, 20℃) goats' milk was assessed. Modifications in cheese-making technology were introduced to obtain cheeses with the same moisture content, and thus studied per se the effect of milk treatment on cheese proteolysis. The PR milk cheese samples were differentiated from RA and PA milk cheeses by their elevated β-lg content, and by the faster degradation of α_(s1)-, α_(s2)- and β-CN throughout ripening. Non-significant differences were found in either pH 4.6 soluble-nitrogen or trichloracetic acid soluble-nitrogen contents of cheeses. However, the pasteurization of milk decreased the free amino acid production in cheese. The RA milk cheeses had the highest amount of proline and the lowest concentrations of serine, tyrosine, arginine and α-aminobutyric acid, whereas PR milk cheese showed higher levels of arginine.
机译:评估了由原奶(RA),巴氏杀菌(PA,72℃,15s)或加压处理(PR,500 MPa,15 min,20℃)制成的奶酪的一次和二次蛋白水解的程度。引入干酪制造技术的修改以获得水分含量相同的干酪,并由此研究了牛奶处理对干酪蛋白水解的影响。 PR乳干酪样品与RA和PA乳干酪的区别在于它们的β-lg含量升高,并且在整个成熟过程中α_(s1)-,α_(s2)-和β-CN的降解速度更快。奶酪的pH 4.6可溶性氮或三氯乙酸可溶性氮含量均无显着差异。但是,牛奶的巴氏灭菌会降低奶酪中的游离氨基酸产量。 RA奶奶酪的脯氨酸含量最高,丝氨酸,酪氨酸,精氨酸和α-氨基丁酸的含量最低,而PR奶奶酪的精氨酸含量更高。



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