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Badiou and the philosophers: interrogating 1960s French philosophy


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Perhaps as a result of the recent ascent of Alain Badiou in Anglo-Saxon humanities, the present volume makes available for the first time the transcripts of a series of educational TV programmes on philosophy, broadcast between 1965 and 1968. Firstly, it has to be noted that this work only gives minimal insight into Badiou's thought (and certainly none as to how he can remain a Maoist up to the present time) and is more of a historical testimonial to his early career as a philosophy teacher in secondary school, albeit one already showing the calibre to become a dominant figure, if one judges by his calm and probing questioning of the spate of great thinkers interviewed here. He thus teases out summaries of major philosophical issues or systems from his illustrious interviewees. And while all philosophers clearly strive for brevity, we are (fortunately) a long way away from sound bytes. Whether this made good television, even by 1960s standards, is debatable. The last chapter is a transcription of a list of questions and remarks that were made at the time with Dina Dreyfuss collecting answers from the various interviews in a montage of contributions. This is probably the most difficult chapter to engage with for the reader, while the rest of the book reads rather well. It is interesting to note, however, that some contemporary viewers complained about the difficulty of the material (for which they got no sympathy from Dreyfuss) and whether radio would not have provided a better medium for the project. From our present perspective, it seems difficult to imagine a material less suitable for television, although some of the interviews are available on YouTube and make interesting viewing and constitute an invaluable historical resource.
机译:也许是由于Alain Badiou最近在盎格鲁-撒克逊人文科学领域的崛起所致,该书首次将1965年至1968年之间播出的一系列关于哲学的教育电​​视节目的抄本提供。他指出,这项工作对巴迪欧的思想只提供了很少的见识(当然也没有关于巴迪欧到现在为止如何成为毛派主义者的思想),并且更多地证明了他早期在中学担任哲学老师的职业生涯,尽管其中有一个如果有人以冷静和探索性的态度对这里接受采访的众多思想家进行评判,就已经显示出将成为主导人物的能力。因此,他从杰出的受访者那里摘录了主要哲学问题或系统的摘要。尽管所有哲学家都在为简洁而努力,但(幸运的)我们离声音字节还有很长的路要走。即使按1960年代的标准,这是否做得好电视还是有争议的。上一章是迪纳·德雷福斯(Dina Dreyfuss)当时所做的一系列问题和评论的副本,这些评论和评论以蒙太奇的形式从各种访谈中收集答案。对于读者来说,这可能是最困难的一章,而本书的其余部分则读起来相当不错。但是,有趣的是,一些当代观众抱怨这种材料的难度(他们对德雷福斯没有同情),以及广播是否不能为该项目提供更好的媒体。从我们目前的角度来看,似乎很难想象哪一种材料不适合电视使用,尽管有些采访可以在YouTube上进行,并且可以使观看变得有趣,并且构成了宝贵的历史资源。



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