首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computer Assisted Learning >Applying augmented reality to enhance learning: a study of different teaching materials

Applying augmented reality to enhance learning: a study of different teaching materials


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The objective of this study was to determine the usefulness of augmented reality (AR) in teaching. An experiment was conducted to examine children's learning performances, which included the number of errors they made, their ability to remember the content of what they had read and their satisfaction with the three types of teaching materials, including a picture book, physical interactions and an AR graphic book. The three teaching materials were aimed to respectively demonstrate the characteristics of six bacteria with 2D graphics, 3D physical objects, and 3D virtual objects. Seventy-two fifth-grade children were randomly selected to participate in the study, and they were divided into three groups, each of which used the assigned teaching material to learn the name of the six different bacteria in intervals of 1, 2 and 3min. Results showed that the AR graphic book offers a practical and hands-on way for children to explore and learn about the bacteria. Follow-up interviews indicated that the children liked the AR graphic book the most, and they preferred it to the other materials.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定增强现实(AR)在教学中的用处。进行了一项实验,以检查儿童的学习成绩,其中包括他们犯的错误数量,他们记住所阅读内容的能力以及对三类教材的满意程度,其中包括图画书,身体互动和互动能力。 AR图形书。这三种教材旨在通过2D图形,3D物理对象和3D虚拟对象分别演示六种细菌的特征。随机选择72名五年级儿童参加研究,将他们分为三组,每组使用指定的教材以1、2和3分钟的间隔学习六种不同细菌的名称。结果表明,AR图形书为孩子们探索和了解细菌提供了一种实用的方法。后续采访表明,孩子们最喜欢AR图画书,与其他材料相比,他们更喜欢它。



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