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The impact of attitude functions on luxury brand consumption: An age-based group comparison


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The main purpose of this study is to understand the consumption of luxury brands in different age groups. Attitude functions (social-adjustive, value-expressive, hedonic, utilitarian) explain luxury brand consumption among three age groups. A total of 297 respondents between the age of 16 and 59 participated in a survey. Using structural equation modeling, this study shows that the hedonic and utilitarian attitude functions are relevant across all age groups, while the impact of the social functions greatly differs among the target groups. Whereas the social-adjustive function strongly enhances luxury brand purchase behavior of late adolescents (16-25 years), value-expressiveness only impacts the luxury consumption of young adults (26-39 years). The social functions do not determine the acquisition of luxury brands by middle-aged adults (40-59 years). (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究的主要目的是了解不同年龄段的奢侈品牌的消费情况。态度功能(社会适应性,价值表达,享乐主义,功利主义)解释了三个年龄段的奢侈品牌消费。共有297位16至59岁的受访者参加了调查。使用结构方程模型,该研究表明享乐主义和功利主义态度功能在所有年龄组中都相关,而社会功能的影响在目标人群之间却存在很大差异。社会调节功能极大地增强了青少年后期(16-25岁)的奢侈品牌购买行为,而价值表达仅影响年轻人(26-39岁)的奢侈品消费。社会功能并不决​​定中年成年人(40-59岁)是否会购买奢侈品牌。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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