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Toward a Theory Relating Text Complexity, Reader Ability, and Reading Comprehension


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Validity of specification equations used by auto-text processors to estimate theoretical text complexity have increased importance because of the Common Core State Standards. Theoretical estimates of text complexity will inform (a) setting standards for college and career readiness, (b) grade-level standards, matching readers to text, and (d) creating a daily diet of stretch and targeted text designed to grow reading ability and content knowledge. The purpose of this research was to investigate the specification equation used in the Lexile Framework for Reading to measure text complexity. The Lexile Reading Analyzer contains a specification equation that uses proxies for the semantic difficulty and syntactic complexity to estimate the theoretical complexity of professionally-edited text. Differences between theoretical and empirical estimates of text complexity were examined for a set of 446 professionally authored, previously published passages. Students in grades 2-12 read these passages using A Learning Oasis, a web-based technology, to ensure that most of the articles read were well-targeted to student ability (±100L). Each article was response illustrated using an auto-generated semantic cloze item type embedded into passages. Observed student performance on this item type was used to derive an empirical estimate of text complexity for each passage. Theoretical estimates of text complexity accounted for approximately 90% of the variance in empirical estimates of text complexity. These findings suggest that the specification equation contains powerful predictors of empirical text complexity, speculation remains on what additional variables might account for the 10% of unexplained variation.
机译:由于通用核心州标准,自动文本处理器用来估计理论文本复杂性的规范公式的有效性变得越来越重要。理论上对文本复杂性的估计将为(a)设定大学和职业准备水平的标准,(b)年级水平的标准,使读者与文本匹配,以及(d)创建日常饮食习惯,以增强阅读能力和目标性文本为目标。内容知识。这项研究的目的是研究Lexile阅读框架中用于衡量文本复杂性的规范方程。 Lexile阅读分析器包含一个规范方程,该方程使用代表语义难度和句法复杂性的代理来估计专业编辑文本的理论复杂性。对一组446个专业撰写的,先前发表的文章,研究了文本复杂度的理论估计与经验估计之间的差异。 2至12年级的学生使用基于网络的技术A Learning Oasis阅读这些文章,以确保阅读的大多数文章都针对学生的能力(±100L)。使用嵌入段落的自动生成的语义完形填空项目类型来说明每篇文章的响应。在此项目类型上观察到的学生表现用于得出每个段落的文本复杂度的经验估计。文本复杂度的理论估计大约占文本复杂度经验估计的方差的90%。这些发现表明,规范方程式包含经验性文本复杂性的有力预测因素,人们仍在猜测哪些额外变量可能占无法解释的变化的10%。



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