首页> 外文期刊>International journal of distance education technologies >Using learning analytics to support engagement in collaborative writing

Using learning analytics to support engagement in collaborative writing


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Online collaborative writing tools provide an efficient way to complete a writing task. However, existing tools only focus on technological affordances and ignore the importance of social affordances in a collaborative learning environment. This article describes a learning analytic system that analyzes writing behaviors, and creates visualizations incorporating individual engagement awareness and group ranking awareness (social affordance), and review writing behaviour history (technological affordance), to support student engagement. Studies examined the performance of the system used by university students in two collaborative writing activities: Collaboratively writing a project proposal (N = 41) and writing tutorial discussion answers (N = 25). Results show that students agreed with what the visualization conveys and visualizations enhance their engagement in a collaborative writing activity. In addition, students stated that the visualizations were useful to help them reflect on the writing process and support the assessment of individual contributions.
机译:在线协作写作工具提供了完成写作任务的有效方法。但是,现有工具仅关注技术能力,而忽略了协作学习环境中社会能力的重要性。本文介绍了一种学习分析系统,该系统分析写作行为,并创建结合个人参与意识和小组排名意识(社会负担)并查看写作行为历史(技术负担)以支持学生参与的可视化。研究在两个协作写作活动中检查了大学生使用的系统的性能:协作编写项目建议书(N = 41)和编写教程讨论答案(N = 25)。结果表明,学生对可视化传达的内容表示赞同,并且可视化增强了他们在协作写作活动中的参与度。此外,学生们说,可视化有助于他们反思写作过程并支持对个人贡献的评估。



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