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FTIR aids understanding of soil organic matter


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Soil chemistry aims to characterise the contents of soils to understand their ability to promote plant growth and to act as vectors for environmental contaminants. There has been a shift to the latter in recent years. Soil analysis is undertaken as a matter of routine when assessing construction sites for contamination, for agricultural soil management and improvement, and to study the effects of invasive plant and animal species on soil matter. The major component of soil is the inorganic mineral matter which comprises about 40-45% of its bulk; the remainder is air and water and a small fraction of soil organic matter (SOM). The organic component is a mixture of various living, dead, and decaying organic materials, along with a stable part known as humus . FTIR is one of several techniques, along with Raman and LIBS, which offers a rapid and multi-parameter measurement of soils to replace the slower (albeit direct) methods of digestion and titration. Though it is naturally suited to the study of organic matter, the mineral content of some soils also contributes to the signals found in the mid-infrared region, and careful subtractions are often required to ensure that the measured spectra are indicative of organic matter only. This is an ongoing area of research.
机译:土壤化学旨在表征土壤的内容,了解他们促进植物生长的能力,并作为环境污染物的载体。近年来,后者已经转变为后者。在评估污染的建筑工地时,土壤分析是常规的,用于农业土壤管理和改进,研究侵入性植物和动物物种对土壤物质的影响。土壤的主要成分是无机矿物质,其占其散装约40-45%;其余的是空气和水和少量的土壤有机物(SOM)。有机组分是各种生物,死和腐烂的有机材料的混合物,以及称为腐殖质的稳定部分。 FTIR是几种技术之一,以及拉曼和LIBS,它提供了一种快速和多参数测量土壤,以取代较慢(虽然的直接)的消化和滴定方法。虽然它自然是对有机物的研究,但一些土壤的矿物质含量也有助于中红外区域中发现的信号,并且通常需要仔细的减法,以确保测量的光谱仅表明仅具有有机物质。这是一个正在进行的研究领域。



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