首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >Electric Field Sensor Based on Piezoelectric Bending Effect for Wide Range Measurement

Electric Field Sensor Based on Piezoelectric Bending Effect for Wide Range Measurement


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In this paper, we report on the new design of an electric field sensor based on piezoelectric bending effect in a capacitive-sensing method. The bipolar electric field sensor with a range from −22 to 22 kV/cm concentrates on a bending structure to enlarge the piezoelectric effect and to control its bending orientation. It performs with a much higher sensitivity of 0.448 pF/(kV/cm) or 5.78%/(kV/cm) and has a better resolution of 7.0 V/cm at . Factors influencing the capacitance response are also discussed, which might further optimize the sensitivity. Moreover, the analytical model and experimental results make an agreement on the reasonability of this electric field sensor, gaining an insightful guide to the potential capacitive-sensing electric field chip sensor widely distributed in sensor networks.
机译:在本文中,我们报告了一种基于压电弯曲效应的电容式感应电场传感器的新设计。范围为-22至22 kV / cm的双极电场传感器集中在弯曲结构上,以扩大压电效应并控制其弯曲方向。它的灵敏度更高,为0.448 pF /(kV / cm)或5.78%/(kV / cm),在时的分辨率为7.0 V / cm。还讨论了影响电容响应的因素,这可能会进一步优化灵敏度。此外,分析模型和实验结果对这种电场传感器的合理性达成了一致,从而为广泛分布于传感器网络中的潜在电容式感应电场芯片传感器提供了深刻的指导。



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