首页> 外文期刊>Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on >Optically Controllable Composite Dielectric Based on Photo-Conductive Particulates

Optically Controllable Composite Dielectric Based on Photo-Conductive Particulates


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We report a method to optically control the effective permittivity of a composite dielectric in which the active inclusions are fabricated from pulverized semi-insulating GaAs. The electric dipoles from the inclusions are controlled by photo-generation of charge carriers using infrared light. An infrared transparent binder provides the matrix material. Our primary purpose is to develop a low-cost pigment-based ink, or paint, for optically tuning electromagnetic devices including metamaterials, frequency-selective surfaces, filters, phase delays, and antennas. In bulk form, applications of the optically controllable dielectric are imagined including a gradient index lens in which inhomogeneous light intensity can provide a dynamic response for focusing or steering of beams. An important feature is that the effective permittivity is linear with electric field intensity over a usable parameter space. We present experimental results as well as a simple model to describe the behavior qualitatively.



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