首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems >A quadratic programming approach to simultaneous buffer insertion/sizing and wire sizing

A quadratic programming approach to simultaneous buffer insertion/sizing and wire sizing


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In this paper, we present a completely new approach to the problem of delay minimization by simultaneous buffer insertion and wire sizing for a wire. We show that the problem can be formulated as a convex quadratic program, which is known to be solvable in polynomial time. Nevertheless, we explore some special properties of our problem and derive an optimal and very efficient algorithm, modified active set method (MASM), to solve the resulting program. Given m buffers and a set of m discrete choices of wire width, the running time of our algorithm is O(mn/sup 2/) and is independent of the wire length in practice. For example, an instance of 100 buffers and 100 choices of wire width can be solved in 0.92 s. In addition, we extend MASM to consider simultaneous buffer insertion, buffer sizing, and wire sizing. The resulting algorithm MASM-BS is again optimal and very efficient. For example, with six choices of buffer size and 10 choices of wire width, the optimal solution for a 15000 /spl mu/m long wire can be found in 0.05 s. Besides, our formulation is so versatile that it is easy to consider other objectives like wire area or power dissipation, or to add constraints to the solution. Also, wire capacitance lookup tables, or very general wire capacitance models which can capture area capacitance, fringing capacitance, coupling capacitance, etc. can be used.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种全新的方法来解决延迟最小化的问题,该问题通过同时插入缓冲区和调整导线尺寸来实现。我们证明了该问题可以表述为凸二次方程序,该程序可以在多项式时间内求解。但是,我们探索了问题的一些特殊性质,并得出了一种最优且非常有效的算法,即改进的主动集方法(MASM),以解决生成的程序。给定m个缓冲区和一组m个离散的线宽选择,我们的算法的运行时间为O(mn / sup 2 /),实际上与线长无关。例如,可以在0.92 s内解决100个缓冲区和100种导线宽度选择的实例。此外,我们将MASM扩展为考虑同时进行缓冲区插入,缓冲区大小调整和导线大小调整。生成的算法MASM-BS仍然是最优且非常有效的。例如,对于六种缓冲区大小和十种线宽选择,可以在0.05 s内找到15000 / spl mu / m长的线的最佳解决方案。此外,我们的公式非常通用,可以轻松考虑其他目标,例如导线面积或功耗,或为解决方案增加约束。同样,可以使用线电容查找表或非常通用的线电容模型来捕获面积电容,边缘电容,耦合电容等。



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