$C$$V$ characteristics of through-silicon vias (TSVs) manufacture'/> Technology Assessment of Through-Silicon Via by Using <formula formulatype='inline'><tex Notation='TeX'> $C$</tex></formula>–<formula formulatype='inline'><tex Notation='TeX'>$V$</tex></formula> and <formula formulatype='inline'> <tex Notation='TeX'>$C$</tex></formula>–<formula formulatype='inline'><tex Notation='TeX'>$t$</tex></formula> Measurements
首页> 外文期刊>Electron Device Letters, IEEE >Technology Assessment of Through-Silicon Via by Using $C$$V$ and $C$$t$ Measurements

Technology Assessment of Through-Silicon Via by Using $C$$V$ and $C$$t$ Measurements

机译:使用 $ C $ $ V $ $ C $ $ t $ 测量

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$C$$V$ characteristics of through-silicon vias (TSVs) manufactured in two different processing lines are compared to demonstrate the reproducibility of the TSV process module in terms of the minimum TSV depletion capacitance in the operating voltage region. TSV $C$$V$ and $C$$t$ measurements before and after thermocycling are employed for assessing the oxide liner and Ta barrier integrity of the TSV under the influence of temperature. It is observed that TSV $C$ $V$ and $C$ $t$ characteristics remain unchanged before and after thermocycling (1000 cycles).
机译: $ C $ $ V $ $ C $ $ V $ $ C $ $ t $ 测量用于评估温度影响下TSV的氧化物衬里和Ta势垒完整性。可以看到,TSV $ C $ $ V $ $ C $ $ t $ 特性在热循环(1000次循环)前后保持不变。



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