首页> 外文期刊>Educational Management Administration & Leadership >Leadership and Management in Education: Cultures, Change and Context

Leadership and Management in Education: Cultures, Change and Context


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This book emerged from a distance learning programme and the authors having rightly decided that these materials deserved a wider audience. Thirteen chapters consider in turn theories and practice of leadership and its cultural contexts; links between power, structure and culture within organizations, and between decentralization, autonomy and school improvement; the influence of the external environment; issues arising from reform and change; educational effectiveness; evaluation; management of finance, material and human resources; leading for effective learning; and continuing professional development. There is also a case study reflection on 'remote' leadership and how it can assist cultural change. 'International perspective' is an ongoing theme throughout the book. This means different things in different chapters, varying from simply using case studies from different countries worldwide (e.g. Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe are all represented), to a detailed and thoughtful comparison of three different reform agendas (in England, Macedonia and Pakistan) provided by Riley and Khamis in Chapter 7.
机译:本书源于远程学习计划,作者正确地认为这些材料值得更广泛的读者。十三章依次探讨了领导力及其文化背景的理论和实践。组织内部的权力,结构和文化之间的联系,以及权力下放,自治和学校改善之间的联系;外部环境的影响;改革和变化引起的问题;教育效果;评估;财务,物质和人力资源管理;领导有效的学习;和持续的专业发展。还有一个案例研究反映了“远程”领导及其如何帮助文化变革。 “国际视野”是贯穿本书的一个持续主题。这意味着不同章节中的不同之处,从简单地使用来自全球不同国家(例如,非洲,亚洲,美洲和欧洲的案例研究)的案例研究到对三个不同改革议程(在英格兰,马其顿和巴基斯坦)由赖利和卡米斯在第7章中提供。



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