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The computational power of population protocols


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We consider the model of population protocols introduced by Angluin et al. (Computation in networks of passively mobile finite-state sensors, pp. 290-299. ACM, New York, 2004), in which anonymous finite-state agents stably compute a predicate of the multiset of their inputs via two-way interactions in the family of all-pairs communication networks. We prove that all predicates stably computable in this model (and certain generalizations of it) are semilin-ear, answering a central open question about the power of the model. Removing the assumption of two-way interaction, we also consider several variants of the model in which agents communicate by anonymous message-passing where the recipient of each message is chosen by an adversary and the sender is not identified to the recipient. These one-way models are distinguished by whether messages are delivered immediately or after a delay, whether a sender can record that it has sent a message, and whether a recipient can queue incoming messages, refusing to accept new messages until it has had a chance to send out messages of its own. We characterize the classes of predicates stably computable in each of these one-way models using natural subclasses of the semilinear predicates.
机译:我们考虑了Angluin等人引入的人口协议模型。 (无源移动有限状态传感器网络的计算,第290-299页,ACM,纽约,2004年),其中匿名有限状态代理通过以下方式的双向交互作用来稳定地计算其输入的多集谓词。全对通信网络家族。我们证明该模型(及其某些一般化结论)中所有可稳定计算的谓词都是准线性的,回答了有关该模型功效的一个中心公开问题。除去双向交互的假设,我们还考虑了模型的几种变体,其中代理通过匿名消息传递进行通信,其中每个消息的接收者是由对手选择的,而发送者没有被接收者识别。这些单向模型的区别在于消息是立即发送还是延迟发送,发件人是否可以记录已发送消息,收件人是否可以将传入消息排队,拒绝接受新消息直到有机会发送自己的消息。我们使用半线性谓词的自然子类来表征在这些单向模型中可稳定计算的谓词类。



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