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Data-driven creativity for screen production students: developing and testing learning materials involving audience biometrics


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This article presents the Data-Driven Creativity Project (DDCP) materials designed to enhance screen students' understandings of how aesthetic choices impact the audience. The project first collected data on audience attention (eye-tracking), arousal (skin conductance level) and emotion (using facial expression). This data was then used in pedagogical materials delivered to two student cohorts in both lecture format and as an e-learning package. Self-reported survey data on the student experience indicates significant increase in Learning Interest toward the concepts of the DDCP, as well as strong ratings of the material's Useability and Application to Knowledge. We also report on focus group discussions of the strengths and weaknesses of the DDCP. We show that the DDCP offers an innovative and novel intervention into contemporary screen creativity pedagogy, forging a valuable teaching-research nexus between the findings of the research field of cognitive media theory and their application in the field of student production.
机译:本文介绍了数据驱动的创造性项目(DDCP)材料,旨在增强学生对审美选择如何影响观众的理解。该项目首次收集了关于观众注意力的数据(眼睛跟踪),唤醒(皮肤电导水平)和情绪(使用面部表情)。然后将该数据用于向两个学生队列的教学材料中使用讲义格式和电子学习包。关于学生经验的自我报告的调查数据表明,对DDCP概念的学习兴趣以及对知识的概念的强烈评级,对知识的强烈评级进行了显着增加。我们还报告了焦点小组讨论DDCP的优势和弱点。我们表明,DDCP为当代屏幕创造性教育学提供了创新和新的干预,伪造了认知媒体理论研究领域的研究领域的有价值的教学 - 研究Nexus及其在学生生产领域的应用。



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