首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) >Application of IT-integrated Project-Based Learning in the Teaching Reform of Undergraduate Education

Application of IT-integrated Project-Based Learning in the Teaching Reform of Undergraduate Education




To innovate the traditional teaching method of normal colleges and enhance their teaching effect, this paper employed the Action Research method to develop a novel and demand-oriented teaching mode in the context of information age, the Information Technology (IT)-integrated Project-based Learning (PjBL) teaching mode, which was then applied to the teaching of the course Modern Education Technology to explore its effect in teaching reform. With the IT-integrated PjBL teaching mode, this study attempted to conduct structural reform on the said course, solve problems in course teaching, and reflect upon the defects of the proposed IT-integrated PjBL teaching mode. The main research conclusions are: (1) The IT-integrated PjBL teaching mode requires teachers to fully understand the real-world demands and form a demand-oriented teaching idea; (2) The teaching content framework should be sorted and integrated based on the project demands; (3) Students’ initiative and personal specialties should be fully motivated during team building; (4) A regular reporting system should be established to supervise the teaching process and it should be implemented strictly; (5) Learning contests can inspect students’ learning effect while boosting their sense of accomplishment, which is exactly the impetus for the continuous learning of students. The research findings of this paper provided a reference for the reform of teaching idea and teaching practice of undergraduate education in the context of information age.
机译:为了创新师范院校的传统教学方法,提升他们的教学效果,本文采用了行动研究方法在信息时代的背景下开发了一种新颖和需求的教学模式,信息技术(IT) - 基于项目学习(PJBL)教学模式,然后将其应用于现代教育技术的教学,探讨其对教学改革的影响。随着IT集成的PJBL教学模式,该研究试图在上述课程上进行结构改革,解决课程教学中的问题,并反映出建议的IT-集成PJBL教学模式的缺陷。主要研究结论是:(1)IT-Integrated PJBL教学模式要求教师充分了解真实世界的需求,并形成一个面向需求的教学理念; (2)应根据项目需求进行分类和整合教学内容框架; (3)学生的倡议和私人专业应该在团队建设期间充分激励; (4)应建立常规报告制度,以监督教学过程,应严格实施; (5)学习竞赛可以在提高他们的成就感的同时检查学生的学习效果,这正是学生持续学习的推动力。本文的研究结果为在信息时代背景下的本科教育教学理念和教学实践的改革提供了参考。



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