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Assessment of colour and tannin extraction in Tempranillo and Cabernet-Sauvignon using small-scale fermentation vessels




Researchers typically perform winemaking experiments using small volumes of grapes. This study examined which small-vessel volume (10, 25, 50 and 100 L) gives better repeatability during red winemaking extraction of colour and tannin in research studies. Few studies have actually evaluated the repeatability of small-scale fermentations using two varieties of different phenolic potential: Tempranillo and Cabernet-Sauvignon. We investigated how volume size may affect the composition of colour and tannins for these two varieties and result in potentially different phenolic contents. Furthermore, for each variety, we compared the small scale vessel with a commercial fermentation using a 2.500?L capacity. 50 L tanks resulted in optimum extraction of phenols and colour. High repeatability was observed for alcohol content, pH and total acidity, anthocyanins, and procyanidins for both varieties amongst vessel sizes. Kinetics of fermentation performed faster in big berry driven grapes (Tempranillo) regardless of the volume. Instead, for small berry grapes (Cabernet-Sauvignon), vessel size affected the kinetics or fermentation and therefore the extraction can be altered. Very high repeatability for the alcohol by volume, pH and total acidity (CV ≤ 7 %) as well as anthocyanins and procyanidins by HPLC (15 % ≤ CV ≤ 20 %) for both varieties in all volume sizes. This research provides a solid basis for validating the reproducibility of small-scale fermentations of two red grapevines with different phenolic potential and sheds new light on the potential and limitations of small-scale winemaking.
机译:研究人员通常使用小型葡萄进行酿酒实验。该研究检查了哪些小容器体积(10,25,50和100L)在研究研究中的红色酿酒厂和单宁的红色酿酒型提取过程中具有更好的可重复性。使用两种不同的不同酚类潜力,少数研究实际上评估了小规模发酵的可重复性:Tempranillo和Cabernet-Sauvignon。我们调查了这两个品种的体积大小可能会影响颜色和单宁的组成,并导致潜在不同的酚含量。此外,对于每种品种,我们将小尺度容器与商业发酵进行了比较了2.500?L容量。 50升坦克导致酚和颜色的最佳提取。对于血管尺寸的各种品种,醇含量,pH和总酸度,花青素和原花青素观察到高可重复性。发酵动力学在大浆果驱动的葡萄(Tempranillo)中表现得更快,无论体积如何。相反,对于小浆果葡萄(Cabernet-Sauvignon),血管尺寸影响了动力学或发酵,因此可以改变提取。通过体积,pH和总酸度(CV≤7%)的体积,pH和总酸度(CV≤7%)以及通过HPLC(15%≤CV≤20%)的多种体积尺寸的醇和原酸胍的重复性非常高。本研究提供了坚实的基础,用于验证两种红葡萄树的小规模发酵具有不同酚类潜力的小规模发酵的再现性,并在小规模酿造的潜在和限制上脱颖而出。



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