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Utilisation of dental services by Brazilian adults in rural and urban areas: a multi-group structural equation analysis using the Andersen behavioural model




BACKGROUND:The utilisation of health services is determined by complex interactions. In this context, rural populations face greater barriers in accessing dental services than do urban populations, and they generally have poorer oral health status. The evaluation of the determinants of health services utilisation is important to support planning and management of dental services. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictors of dental services utilisation of Brazilian adults living in rural and urban areas.METHODS:Data from 60,202 adults aged 18?years or older who took part in the Brazilian National Health Survey carried out in 2013 were analysed. Predisposing (age, sex, education, social networks), enabling financing (income, durable goods and household's crowding), enabling organisation (health insurance, registration in primary health care [PHC]) and need variables (eating difficulties, self-perceived tooth loss and self-perceived oral health) were selected based upon the Andersen behavioural model. Multi-group structural equation modeling assessed the direct and indirect associations of independent variables with non-utilisation of dental services and the interval since the last dental visit for individuals living in rural and urban areas.RESULTS:Adults living in urban areas were more likely to use dental services than those living in rural areas. Lower enabling financing, lower perceived dental needs and lack of PHC registration were directly associated with lower utilisation of dental services (non-utilisation, β?=?-?0.36, β?=?-?0.16, β?=?-?0.03, respectively; and interval since last dental visit, β?=?1.25, β?=?0.82, β?=?-?0.12, respectively). The enabling financing (non-utilisation, βsubrural/sub?=?-?0.02 [95%CI: -?0.03 to -?0.02], βsuburban/sub?=?0.00 [95%CI: -?0.01 to 0.00]) and PHC registration (non-utilisation, βsubrural/sub?=?-?0.03 [95%CI: -?0.04 to -?0.02], βsuburban/sub?=?-?0.01 [95%CI, -?0.01 to -?0.01]) non-standardised total effects were stronger in rural areas. Enabling organisation (β?=?0.16) and social network (β?=?-?2.59) latent variables showed a direct effect on the interval since last dental visit in urban areas. Education and social networks influenced utilisation of dental services through different pathways. Males showed less use of dental services in both urban and rural areas (non-utilisation, βsubrural/sub?=?-?0.07, βsuburban/sub?=?-?0.04; interval since last dental visit, βsubrural/sub?=?-?0.07, βsuburban/sub?=?-?0.07) and older adults have used dental services longer than younger ones, mainly in rural areas (βsubrural/sub?=?0.26, βsuburban/sub?=?0.17).CONCLUSION:Dental services utilisation was lower in rural areas in Brazil. The theoretical model was supported by empirical data and showed different relationships between the predictors in the two geographical contexts. In rural areas, financial aspects, education, primary care availability, sex and age were relevant factors for the utilisation of services.
机译:背景:卫生服务的利用由复杂的相互作用决定。在这种情况下,农村人口在访问牙科服务方面面临比城市群体更大的障碍,它们通常具有较差的口腔健康状况。对卫生服务利用的决定因素的评估对于支持牙科服务的规划和管理是重要的。本研究的目的是评估居住在农村和城市地区的巴西成年人牙科服务利用的预测因素。方法:来自18岁的60,202名成年人的数据在2013年开展的巴西国家卫生调查中占巴西国家健康调查的年龄分析。易爆(年龄,性,教育,社交网络),实现融资(收入,耐用品和家庭的拥挤),使组织(健康保险,初级医疗保健注册[PHC])和需要变量(饮食困难,自我感知牙齿基于Andersen行为模型选择损失和自我察觉的口腔健康。多组结构方程建模评估了独立变量与牙科服务的非利用的直接和间接关联,自上次牙科访问以来居住在农村和城市地区的个人以来的间隔。结果:生活在城市地区的成年人更有可能使用牙科服务比生活在农村地区的服务。降低启动融资,降低感知牙科需求和缺乏PHC登记直接与牙科服务利用率较低(非利用,β=? - ?0.36,β?=? - ?0.03分别;和间隔自上次牙科访问以来,β?=?1.25,β?= 0.82,β=? - ?0.12分别)。支持融资(不利用,β<亚>农村?=? - ?0.02 [95%CI: - Δ0.03至 - ?0.02],β城市?= 0.00 [95%CI: - β01至0.00])和PHC注册(不利用,β农村? - ?0.03 [95%CI: - β0.04至 - ?0.02],β 城市?=? - ?0.01 [95%ci, - 〜01〜01])非标准化的农村地区更强大。启用组织(β?= 0.16)和社交网络(β?=? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?2.59)潜在的变量对城市地区最后牙科访问以来的间隔直接影响。教育和社会网络通过不同途径影响了牙科服务的利用。雄性在城市和农村地区的牙科服务使用较少(不利用,β农村?=? - ?0.07,β城市?= - ?0.04;自上次牙科访问以来的间隔,β农村?=? - ?0.07,β城市?=? - ?0.07)和老年人使用的牙科服务比年轻人更长,主要在农村地区(β农村?=?0.26,β城市?=?0.17)。结论:巴西农村地区的牙科服务利用率较低。理论模型得到了经验数据的支持,并在两个地理背景中显示了预测因子之间的不同关系。在农村地区,财务方面,教育,初级保健可用性,性和年龄是利用服务的相关因素。



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