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Momba?a grass development with partial replacement of potassium fertilizer by sodium chloride and the effects of adding calcium




The objective of this greenhouse study was to evaluate the effects on development parameters in Megathyrsus maximus cv. Momba?a of partially replacing the potassium (K) in fertilizer by sodium (Na)and the impacts of applying calcium (Ca). The experimental design was completely randomized with 4 replicates, in a 3 × 4 + 3 factorial arrangement. Three Ca sources (CaCO 3 , CaSO 4 and CaCl 2 ) were applied at 4 Ca doses (10, 20, 30 and 40 mg Ca/kg of soil) to the grass where 25% of the K fertilizer was replaced by NaCl. The 3 additional treatments were: application of standard fertilizer (N:P:K) with 100% of K recommendation; application of fertilizer with 25% of K replaced by Na but no Ca applied; and grass with no fertilizer of any kind as Control. The variables analyzed were: leaf area, leaf area ratio, net assimilation rate, relative growth rate and photosynthetic rate. Partial replacement of K by Na up to 25% of the K fertilizer recommendation did not cause significant change in the development of Momba?a grass or to any of the measured parameters. Addition of Ca had minimal impact on the analyzed variables regardless of level or source. These measurements helped to explain why dry matter yields of Momba?a grass were not significantly affected by partial replacement of K by Na up to 25% of the K fertilizer recommendation.
机译:该温室研究的目的是评估Megathyrsus Maximus CV的开发参数的影响。 MOMBAα〜a通过钠(NA)部分替代肥料中的钾(K)和应用钙(CA)的影响。实验设计用4个重复完全随机化,以3×4 + 3个阶段排列。将三种Ca源(CaCO 3,CASO 4和CaCl 2)以4个Ca剂量(10,20,30和40mg Ca / kg土壤)施加到草地上,其中25%的K肥被NaCl取代。 3种额外的治疗方法是:标准肥料(N:P:K)的应用,100%的K建议书;施用肥料25%的K替代NA但没有施加CA;和草没有任何肥料作为控制。分析的变量是:叶面积,叶面积比,净同化率,相对生长率和光合速率。 k通过NA的部分更换高达25%的K肥料推荐在MOMBA的发展中没有造成显着变化?草地或任何测量参数。无论水平或源如何,加入CA对分析的变量有最小的影响。这些测量有助于解释为什么MOMBA的干物质产量?由于k肥料推荐的25%,k的部分替代k不会显着影响。



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