首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) >Students’ Perceptions Towards Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Education

Students’ Perceptions Towards Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Education

机译:学生对教育中使用Web 2.0技术的看法



The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the usefulness of Web 2.0 technologies in education. For this purpose, a survey was carried out to explore the students’ perceptions towards using these tools for learning purposes. Results of the research study revealed that all the respondents are greatly immersed in these social platforms and use them for many reasons. However, it was found out that almost half of the surveyed students (i.e. 47%) devote more than 40% of the time they spend on Web 2.0 technologies to enhance their learning in different subjects. Taking these findings into consideration, we can stipulate that Web 2.0 applications present many educational advantages for students, hence, contribute in providing opportunities for further learning. Consequently, these online tools provide schools and universities with more opportunities to go beyond traditional delivery formats and develop learner-centered personalized learning environments.
机译:本文的目的是评估Web 2.0技术在教育中的有用性。为此目的,进行了一项调查,以探索学生对使用这些工具进行学习目的的看法。研究结果表明,所有受访者都大大沉浸在这些社交平台中并有很多原因使用它们。但是,发现近一半的受访者(即47%)投入超过40%的时间,他们在Web 2.0技术上花费时间来增强他们在不同科目的学习。考虑到这些调查结果,我们可以规定网络2.0应用为学生提供许多教育优势,因此有助于提供进一步学习的机会。因此,这些在线工具提供了更多机会超越传统交付格式的机会,并开发学习者的个性化学习环境。



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