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Preparing Faculty to Teach Their First Online Class




In a report, entitled “Class Differences”, published by the Sloan Consortium (2010, Allen & Seaman), the authors reported that 5.6 million students were taking at least one online course during the fall 2009 term. This was an increase of nearly one million students over the number reported the previous year. Furthermore, over three-quarters of academic leaders at public institutions reported that online education is as good as or better than face-to-face instruction. The Information and Technology Systems Department at the Graduate School of UMUC has experienced similar enrollment growth in several of its programs, such as the Project Management Program. This has motivated the department to introduce quality enhancement measures in its program curriculum to ensure that quality of teaching and learning is improved along with enrollment growth. Specifically, these measures include model classes that the faculty can use and customize to teach their semester classes. This paper discusses the need for model classes, their contents, and their role in the program, as well as programmatic issues involved in introducing such classes.
机译:在斯隆财团(2010,Allen&Seaman)发表的题为“班级差异”的报告中,作者报告说,在2009年秋季学期中,有560万学生至少参加了一门在线课程。这比上一年报告的人数增加了近一百万。此外,超过四分之三的公共机构学术领导者报告说,在线教育与面对面教学一样好,甚至更好。 UMUC研究生院的信息和技术系统系在其多个计划(例如项目管理计划)中经历了类似的招生增长。这促使该系在其课程大纲中引入质量改进措施,以确保随着入学人数的增长而提高教学质量。具体而言,这些措施包括教师可以使用和定制的模型班来教授他们的学期班。本文讨论了模型类的需求,它们的内容及其在程序中的作用,以及引入此类的程序性问题。



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