首页> 外文期刊>Molecules >Seasonal Variation and Possible Biosynthetic Pathway of Ginsenosides in Korean Ginseng Panax ginseng Meyer

Seasonal Variation and Possible Biosynthetic Pathway of Ginsenosides in Korean Ginseng Panax ginseng Meyer




Whereas Korean ginseng, Panax ginseng Meyer, is harvested in the fall, the variation ofginsenoside content in field-grown ginseng across seasonal development has never been investigatedin Korea. Thus, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) analysis of nine majorginsenosides, including ginsenoside Rg1, Re, Rf, Rg2, Rb1, Rc, Rb2, Rd, and Ro, in the roots offive-year-old P. ginseng cultivated in Bongwha, Korea in 2017 was performed. The total ginsenosidecontent changed as many as three times throughout the year, ranging from 1.37 ± 0.02 (dry wt %) inJanuary to 4.26 ± 0.03% in May. Total ginsenoside content in the harvest season was 2.49 ± 0.03%.Seasonal variations of panaxadiol-type ginsenosides (PPD) and panaxatriol-type ginsenosides (PPT)were found to be similar, but more PPD was always measured. However, the seasonal variation ofoleanolic acid-type ginsenoside, Ro, was different from that of PPD and PPT, and the highest Rocontent was observed in May. The ratio of PPD/PPT, as well as other representative ginsenosides,was compared throughout the year. Moreover, the percent composition of certain ginsenosides inboth PPD and PPT types was found to be in a complementary relationship each other, which possiblyreflected the biosynthetic pathway of the related ginsenosides. This finding would not only providescientific support for the production and quality control of the value-added ginseng products, but alsofacilitate the elucidation of the ginsenoside biosynthetic pathway.
机译:韩国的人参,人参梅尔是秋天收获的,但韩国尚未调查过田间种植的人参中人参皂甙含量随季节变化的变化。因此,超高效液相色谱法(UHPLC)分析了种植于根中的一岁人参P.人参的9种主要人参皂苷,包括人参皂苷Rg1,Re,Rf,Rg2,Rb1,Rc,Rb2,Rd和Ro。 2017年在韩国奉化市演出。人参总皂苷含量全年变化多达3次,从1月的1.37±0.02(干重%)到5月的4.26±0.03%。收获季节的总人参皂甙含量为2.49±0.03%。人参二醇型人参皂甙(PPD)与人参三醇型人参皂甙(PPT)的季节变化相似,但总测得的PPD更高。然而,油酸型人参皂甙Ro的季节变化与PPD和PPT的季节变化不同,并且在5月观察到最高的Ro含量。全年比较了PPD / PPT以及其他代表性人参皂甙的比例。此外,发现某些人参皂甙在PPD和PPT类型中的百分含量相互之间具有互补关系,这可能反映了相关人参皂甙的生物合成途径。这一发现不仅为人参增值产品的生产和质量控制提供了科学依据,而且有助于人参皂苷生物合成途径的阐明。



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