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Identification of All Dengue Serotypes in Nepal




To the Editor: Nepal is situ-ated on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, surrounded by India on 3 sides and China to the north. Nepal's altitude ranges from 8,848 m in the Himalayas to 90 m in the Terai, the southern, low, . atland bordering In-dia. Nepal is a disease-endemic area for many vector-borne diseases, in-cluding malaria, kala-azar, Japanese encephalitis, and lymphatic fi lariasis. Because of the porous border between Nepal and India, social, cultural, and economic activities in cross-border ar-eas are common. Dengue is an emerging disease in Nepal; presumably transmission is moving north from India into the Terai (1–5). The fi rst report of dengue virus isolation or RNA (serotype 2 with nu-cleotide homology closest to a dengue virus type 2 isolate from India) was in 2008 involving a Japanese patient returning from Nepal in October 2004 (5). Entomologic investigations from the 1980s showed Aedes albopictus in the Terai plains, but Ae. aegypti has not been previously reported.After Indian outbreaks now known to include all 4 dengue sero-types (6), a team from the Epidemi-ology and Disease Control Division, Kathmandu, investigated suspected cases of dengue fever during Septem-ber–October 2006 in Banke, the dis-trict bordering Uttar Pradesh, India. The team collected blood samples from persons in Banke and, subse-quently, from persons in a number of other districts and sent them to the National Public Health Laboratory in Kathmandu or the Armed Forces Re-search Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand for analysis with ELISA, reverse transcription–PCR, (RT-PCR), or both
机译:致编辑:尼泊尔位于喜马拉雅山的南坡,四周被印度包围,北至中国。尼泊尔的海拔高度从喜马拉雅山的8,848 m到南部低地的Terai的90 m。与印度接壤的亚特兰大。尼泊尔是许多病媒传播疾病的流行地区,包括疟疾,黑热病,日本脑炎和淋巴丝虫病。由于尼泊尔和印度之间的边界多孔,跨界地区的社会,文化和经济活动很普遍。登革热是尼泊尔的一种新兴疾病。据推测,传播正在从印度向北移动到Terai(1-5)。登革热病毒分离或RNA(具有与印度2型登革热病毒分离物最接近的2型核苷酸同源性的2型血清型)的首次报道是在2004年10月,一名日本患者从尼泊尔返回。从1980年代开始的昆虫学调查显示,白纹伊蚊在Terai平原,但Ae。在现在已经知道包括所有4种登革热血清型的印度暴发之后(6),加德满都流行病学和疾病控制部门的一个小组调查了9月期间登革热的疑似病例。 2006年在印度北方邦接壤的班克(Banke)。该小组从班克人以及随后从其他许多地区的人那里采集了血液样本,并将它们送往加德满都的国家公共卫生实验室或泰国曼谷武装部队医学科学研究所进行检测。 ELISA分析,逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)或同时进行


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