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Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and Seasonal Influenza A (H3N2) in Children’s Hospital, Australia




To the Editor: We read with interest the report by Carcione et al. of clinical features of pandemic in. uenza A (H1N1) 2009 and comparison of these with 2009 seasonal in. uenza infection in a population-based study from Western Australia (1). Here we share our experience of hospitalizations for in. uenza in a tertiary care children's hospital in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, during the 3 peak in. uenza seasons of the last decade.During the 2009 Southern Hemisphere single in. uenza wave (June–September), we prospectively studied every child <15 years of age who was hospitalized with laboratory-confi rmed in. uenza (74% had proven pandemic [H1N1] 2009) in Children's Hospital at Westmead (CHW), Sydney, as part of a collaboration between the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance and the Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit. The study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at CHW and supported by the state (New South Wales) health department. Data from hospitalizations for seasonal in. uenza at CHW in 2003 and 2007 (previous peaks in the last decade) were analyzed by using our previous studies and medical records (2–4). To compare pneumonia rates, we used the same case defi nitions in 2007 and 2009 (radiologic changes consistent with pneumonia). Proportions were compared by using the χ2statistic
机译:致编辑:我们感兴趣地阅读了Carcione等人的报告。西澳大利亚州一项基于人群的研究(2009年)中流感大流行A(H1N1)2009年临床特征的比较以及与2009年季节性流感大流行的比较(1)。在这里,我们分享了在过去十年中uenza季节的3个高峰期中,澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼的三级儿童医院中的uenza住院治疗的经验。在2009年南半球uenza潮中( 6月至9月),我们对在悉尼韦斯特米德(CHW)儿童医院接受过实验室确诊的所有年龄小于15岁的儿童进行了调查。uenza(74%的人曾证明2009年H1N1大流行)是该病的一部分。国家免疫研究与监视中心与澳大利亚儿科监视部门之间的合作关系。该研究得到了CHW的人类研究伦理委员会的批准,并得到了州(新南威尔士州)卫生部门的支持。通过使用我们以前的研究和病历分析(2–4),分析了2003和2007年CHW季节性流感的住院数据(过去十年的最高峰)。为了比较肺炎发生率,我们在2007年和2009年使用了相同病例定义(放射线变化与肺炎一致)。使用χ2统计量对比例进行比较



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