首页> 外文期刊>Journal of venomous animals and toxins >FabAV antivenin use after copperhead snakebite: clinically indicated or knee-jerk reaction?

FabAV antivenin use after copperhead snakebite: clinically indicated or knee-jerk reaction?




Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) (FabAV) antivenin is commonly recommended after pit viper snakebites. Because copperhead envenomations are usually self-limited, some physicians are reluctant to use this costly treatment routinely, while others follow a more liberal approach. We hypothesized that, in practice, only patients with evidence of significant (moderate or severe) copperhead envenomation [those with snakebite severity score (SSS)?>?3] receive FabAV and examined a large cohort to determine the relationship between clinical findings and FabAV administration. All data from patients evaluated for copperhead snakebite at a rural tertiary referral center from 5/2002 to 10/2013 were compiled. Demographics, transfer status, antivenin use, and clinical findings were collected; SSS was calculated. The relationships among FabAV use, clinical findings, and SSS were analyzed using t-test, chi-square, and Pearson’s coefficient (p?



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