
Attitudes Of College Students Toward DNR Orders




Introduction Medical care at the end-of-life can be an emotionally and economically demanding experience. About 10-20% of the total health care budget and over a quarter of the Medicare budget in the United States are spent on end-of-life care. Of these Medicare funds, 40% is spent for care given in the last 30 days of life and 50% for treatment in the last 60 days.1,2 Apart from monetary expenses, there is the emotional toll on patients and their families. Although every human being will experience death eventually, not all individuals view death or respond to it in the same way. These difference are now becoming more apparent as recent advances in medical technology made it possible to maintain many patients who are terminally ill alive without necessarily improving their quality of life. Several studies have reported on the factors likely to influence the attitudes of patients,3,4,5,6 the public in general,7,8,9 and healthcare providers10,11,12,13,14 toward euthanasia, assisted suicide, advance directives and various end-of-life issues. Apart from one study that surveyed the attitudes of medical students, house staff and faculty physicians toward euthanasia and termination of life-sustaining treatment,15 the attitudes of young adults toward end-of-life issues were not examined. Healthcare providers are encouraged to discuss end of life issues with their patients while they are still healthy and functional rather than in the context of a terminal illness. Therefore, it is not surprising that an increasing number of young healthy adults are being asked to complete advance directives. This study examines the attitudes of a younger population, undergraduate students, toward DNR orders. Methods In this cross-sectional study, the attitudes of undergraduate students toward DNR orders were surveyed using a structured questionnaire.16,17 The questionnaire started with a paragraph explaining the concept of DNR, followed by a series of questions on whether the respondent would favor writing a DNR order for 7 hypothetical patients who differ in age and degree of illness severity. The last section included questions related to respondents' gender, study major, ethnic background and religious beliefs. Questionnaires were distributed to undergraduate students at the University of Rochester in the spring of 1997. Potential respondents were identified from two sources: students attending three different classes (a history of medicine class, and two medical sociology classes) and from a random sample obtained using a random number generator to produce numbers between 271,000 and 277,000 which is the range of the undergraduate students' mail box numbers. Students' participation was voluntary and anonymous.Results were reported as a mean (± SD) unless specified otherwise. General descriptive statistics were used to define groups. The Chi-square test was used to compare dichotomous data. The two-sample t-test was used to compare groups' means. Significance was defined as p<0.05. Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical package Statistica for Windows (Statsoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK 1998). This study was funded by the Barth-Crapsey Award for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Results One hundred and three students from the history of medicine class and 110 students from the sociology classes completed the questionnaire, with a response rate of 100%. Of the 233 mailed questionnaires, 38 were returned with a response rate of 16.3%. Three of these were incomplete and were excluded from the analysis. Table 1 describes the characteristics of all participants (n=248). Of the total study population (n=248), 36% were males, 57% were Whites, 36% were Catholic, 33% Protestant, 11% were Jewish and 14% Atheist. Forty percent, 29%, 12%, and 3% chose a social science, natural science, humanities, or nursing as their major, respectively.
机译:简介生命周期结束时的医疗服务可能是一种情感上和经济上都需要的体验。在美国,约有10%至20%的医疗保健预算和超过Medicare预算的四分之一用于寿命终止护理。在这些Medicare资金中,有40%用于在生命的最后30天提供护理,而50%用于在过去60天内的治疗。1,2除了金钱上的花费外,还会给患者及其家人带来情感上的损失。尽管每个人最终都会经历死亡,但并非所有人都能以相同的方式看待死亡或对死亡做出反应。随着医疗技术的最新发展,可以使许多绝症患者得以存活,而不必改善其生活质量,这些差异现在变得更加明显。几项研究报告了可能影响患者态度的因素3、4、5、6公众,7、8、9和医疗服务提供者10、11、12、13、14对安乐死,辅助自杀,进步指令和各种使用寿命终止问题。除了一项调查了医学生,房屋工作人员和教职医生对安乐死和终止生命维持治疗的态度的研究之外,15还没有研究年轻人对生命终结问题的态度。鼓励医疗保健提供者与他们的患者讨论寿命终结问题,而他们仍然健康且功能正常,而不是在绝症的情况下。因此,不足为奇的是,越来越多的年轻健康成年人被要求完成预先指示。这项研究考察了年轻人口,本科生对DNR命令的态度。方法在本横断面研究中,使用结构化问卷调查了大学生对DNR订单的态度。16,17问卷以解释DNR概念的段落开头,随后是一系列有关受访者是否愿意的问题。为年龄和疾病严重程度不同的7位假设患者撰写DNR指令。最后一部分包括与受访者的性别,学习专业,种族背景和宗教信仰有关的问题。问卷于1997年春季分发给罗切斯特大学的本科生。潜在的受访者来自两个来源:参加三个不同班级的学生(医学史班和两个医学社会学班级)以及通过使用一个随机数发生器,产生271,000到277,000之间的数字,这是大学生邮箱号码的范围。学生的参与是自愿和匿名的,除非另有说明,结果均以平均值(±SD)报告。一般描述性统计用于定义组。卡方检验用于比较二分数据。两次样本t检验用于比较各组的平均值。显着性定义为p <0.05。使用统计软件包Statistica for Windows(Statsoft,Inc.,Tulsa,OK 1998)进行统计分析。这项研究由Barth-Crapsey社会科学与人文研究奖资助。结果问卷调查对象为医学史班的103名学生和社会学班的110名学生,回答率为100%。在233份邮寄的问卷中,有38份被退回,答复率为16.3%。其中三个是不完整的,已从分析中排除。表1描述了所有参与者的特征(n = 248)。在全部研究人群中(n = 248),男性占36%,白人占57%,天主教徒占36%,新教徒占33%,犹太人占11%,无神论者占14%。 40%,29%,12%和3%分别选择社会科学,自然科学,人文科学或护理学作为他们的专业。



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