首页> 外文期刊>Psychology >Visual Discrimination and Reading for Children Dyslexic Arabophone, Aged 7.5 - 11.5 Years

Visual Discrimination and Reading for Children Dyslexic Arabophone, Aged 7.5 - 11.5 Years




Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate visual discrimination in an Arabic-speaking environment and then to appreciate the contribution of its disorders in the treatment of the Arabic language written for the Arabic-speaking reader. Method: A visual discrimination measuring instrument was created and adapted based on the test of the letter sequence discrimination of the battery. The structure of the Arabic language has been taken into consideration in the design of the items (vocalization). This test was applied to an individual based on different types of children from different age groups and different types of schools in Rabat, capital of Morocco. The standard methodology for the administration of created tests has been respected. Standard statistical indices were applied to analyze the measurement results and discuss the different possible interactions. Psychometric indices, as reliability, validity and correlation indices, were applied to assess the performance of the created test. Results and conclusion: The test used, was designed, adapted and standardized to the Arabic-speaking population of Moroccan children. The results obtained were summarized in the following points: 1) The standards obtained could be applied by health professionals to assess the performance of visual discrimination in relation to reading. 2) The main factors of segregation of children (gender and type of school) have no influence on visual discrimination. 3) Vocalization slows down reading for normal readers. On the other hand, it stimulates the attention in the dyslexics. 4) The visual discrimination disorder is present in dyslexic children at 69% (two out of three children).
机译:目的:本研究的目的是评估在说阿拉伯语的环境中的视觉歧视,然后了解其障碍在为讲阿拉伯语的读者编写的阿拉伯语的治疗中所起的作用。方法:根据电池的字母顺序鉴别测试,创建并改装了视觉鉴别测量仪器。在项目的设计(发声)中考虑了阿拉伯语言的结构。该测试适用于基于摩洛哥首都拉巴特不同年龄组和学校的不同类型儿童的个人。管理已创建测试的标准方法已得到遵守。应用标准统计指标来分析测量结果并讨论不同的可能相互作用。心理测量指标,如信度,效度和相关性指标,用于评估所创建测试的性能。结果与结论:所使用的测试是针对摩洛哥儿童说阿拉伯语的人群而设计,调整和标准化的。所获得的结果归纳为以下几点:1)所获得的标准可以由卫生专业人员应用,以评估与阅读有关的视觉歧视的表现。 2)儿童隔离的主要因素(性别和学校类型)对视觉歧视没有影响。 3)发声会减慢普通读者的阅读速度。另一方面,它激发了阅读障碍者的注意力。 4)阅读障碍儿童的视觉辨别障碍发生率为69%(三分之二)。



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