首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Educacao Fisica e Esporte >Estilo motivacional e comportamento assertivo de professores de Educa??o Física ao longo da carreira

Estilo motivacional e comportamento assertivo de professores de Educa??o Física ao longo da carreira




The aim of this study was to investigate the motivational style and behavior (assertive, nonassertive and aggressive) in Physical Education teachers from a northwestern Paraná city over their teaching career (n = 49). The Problems in Schools questionnaire, the Assertiveness Inventory and demographic data were employed as research instruments. Data were analyzed through the following inferential statistics: Shapiro-Wilk, Cronbach’s Alpha, repeated measures Anova and Spearman Correlation (p ≤ 0.05). The motivational style with the higher median was the highly autonomy promoting style (5.88) and the lower was the highly controller style (2.88), with statistically significant differences. Results showed positive correlations between the variables: nonassertiveness and the highly controller style (ρ = 0.63); aggressiveness and the highly controller style (ρ = 0.69); and nonassertiveness and aggressiveness (ρ = 0.82) for teachers with workload under 20 hours a week. We conclude Physical Education teachers showed autonomy promoting motivational styles and motivational style and assertive, nonassertive and aggressive behavior were related for less experienced and lower workload teachers.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查西北巴拉那州城市体育教师在教学生涯中的动机风格和行为(主张,非主张和积极)(n = 49)。学校的问题问卷,自信调查表和人口统计数据被用作研究工具。通过以下推论统计数据分析了数据:Shapiro-Wilk,Cronbach的Alpha,重复测量Anova和Spearman相关性(p≤0.05)。具有较高中位数的激励方式是高度自主促进风格(5.88),而较低的是高度控制者风格(2.88),具有统计学上的显着差异。结果表明变量之间呈正相关:非自信和高度控制者风格(ρ= 0.63);进取心和高度控制者风格(ρ= 0.69);每周工作量少于20个小时的教师的非自信和攻击性(ρ= 0.82)。我们得出结论,体育教师表现出自主性,促进了激励方式和激励方式,而自信,无主见和攻击行为与经验较少,工作量较低的教师有关。



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