首页> 外文期刊>Physics Communication >Pengembangan alat peraga Hukum Archimedes untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP

Pengembangan alat peraga Hukum Archimedes untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP




An experiment has been done on the development objects Archimedes law to increase the understanding of the concept. Archimedes law objects are as instructional media to explain the elusive concept of learners, especially on the concept of objects floating, sinking and floating. This is shown by the result of studentslearning to the concept of Archimedes law in SMP N 2 Batang in 2011/2012 class VIII, has not reached 85% of the limit value of 70 completed. The condition is possible because one of the reasons is that during this learning method is used less effective resulting for low student in understanding of concepts, so need a solution to improve learners' understanding of the concept of the law of Archimedes. Archimedes law objects that have been developed to influent the change patterns of thinking, so as to improve the understanding of the concept of learners. Archimedes law objects developed as a modification to the standard objects in variety of liquid and the test objects. Keywords development, objects, Archimedes law Full Text: PDF References Aziz, A., Yulianti, D. dan Handayani, L., 2006. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Dengan Memanfaatkan Alat Peraga Sains Fisika (Materi Tata Surya) untuk meningkatkn Hasil Belajar Dan Kerjasama Siswa. Jurnal Pend. Fisika Indonesia 4(2) hal. 94-99.
机译:已经对开发对象阿基米德定律进行了实验,以增加对该概念的理解。阿基米德法的客体作为教学媒介来解释学习者的难以捉摸的概念,尤其是在漂浮,沉没和漂浮的客体概念上。学生在2011/2012八年级SMP N 2巴塘学习阿基米德法的概念的结果表明,这还没有达到已完成的极限值70的85%。该条件之所以可能,是因为原因之一是,在此学习方法中使用的效果较差,导致学生对概念的理解较低,因此需要一种解决方案以提高学习者对阿基米德定律概念的理解。阿基米德法律对象的发展是为了影响思维方式的变化,从而增进对学习者概念的理解。开发了阿基米德定律对象,作为对各种液体和测试对象中标准对象的修改。关键词发展,物体,阿基米德法全文:PDF参考资料Aziz,A.,Yulianti,D. dan Handayani,L.,2006。西斯瓦待审。 Fisika Indonesia 4(2)hal。 94-99。



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