首页> 外文期刊>SA Journal of Industrial Psychology >Stress and coping strategies in a sample of South African managers involved in post-graduate managerial studies

Stress and coping strategies in a sample of South African managers involved in post-graduate managerial studies




To examine the relationships between stress levels and, respectively, stressor appraisal, coping strategies and bio- graphical variables, 107 managers completed a biographical questionnaire. Experience of Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire, and Coping Strategy Indicator. Significant negative correlations were found between stress levels and appraisal scores on all work-related stressors. An avoidant coping strategy explained significant variance in stress levels in a model also containing social support-seeking and problem-solving coping strategies. It was concluded that an avoidant coping strategy probably contributed to increased stress levels. Female managers experienced significantly higher stress levels and utilized a social support-seeking coping strategy significantly more than male managers did. Opsomming Om die verband tussen stresvlakke en, onderskeidelik, taksering van stressors, streshanteringstrategiee en biografiese veranderlikes te ondersoek, het 107 bestuurders n biografiese vraelys, Ervaring vanWerk- en Lewensomstandighedevraelys en Streshanteringstrategieskaal voltooi. Beduidende negatiewe korrelasies is aangetref tussen stresvlakke en takseringtellings ten opsigte van alle werkverwante stressors. 'nVermydende streshantermgstrategie het beduidende variansie in stresvlakke verklaar in n model wat ook sosiale ondersteuningsoekende en pro-bleemoplossende streshanteringstrategiee ingesluit het. Die gevolgtrekking is bereik dat n vermydende stres- hanteringstrategie waarskynlik bygedra het tot verhoogde stresvlakke. Vroulike bestuurders het beduidend hoer stresvlakke ervaar en het n sosiale ondersteuningsoekende streshanteringstrategie beduidend meer gebnnk as manlike bestuurders.
机译:为了检查压力水平与压力源评估,应对策略和传记变量之间的关系,107位经理完成了一份传记问卷。工作和生活环境问卷调查的经验和应对策略指标。在所有与工作相关的压力源上,压力水平与评估分数之间存在显着的负相关。避免应对策略在模型中也解释了压力水平的显着变化,该模型还包含寻求社会支持和解决问题的应对策略。结论是,回避应对策略可能导致压力增加。女经理承受的压力水平明显高于男经理,并更多地采用了寻求社会支持的应对策略。反对组织图森(Terssen stresvlakke),反对派(onderskeidelik),流浪汉(taksering)货车压力源,反对生物移植的战略,反对生物多样性的107人,反对派(Ervaring vanWerk-en Lewensomstandighedevraterallys)的生物移植。 Beduidende negatiewe korrelasies是anangetref tussen stresvlakke en takseringtellings十个反对范alle werkverwante压力源。范式中的变态反应在模型中的作用机理上得到了证实。根本的战略是成功的战略,是战略发展的战略。像男人一样的好朋友,非常喜欢做某事的人也喜欢做某事。



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