首页> 外文期刊>Revista Contabilidade & Finanas >Corporate Governance Characteristics as a Stimulus to Tax Management

Corporate Governance Characteristics as a Stimulus to Tax Management




This article aimed to investigate whether corporate governance uses tax management to increase companies' performance. The objective was checking whether corporate governance characteristics, such as remuneration paid to the executive board, segregation between Chairman and CEO, and the independence and composition of the Board of Directors, influence tax management in Brazilian companies. At the same time, it aimed to identify whether the preceding tax management is reflected on the subsequent tax management. To do this, a sample of 355 Brazilian companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA between 2008 and 2014 was used, in order to find out whether their corporate governance characteristics influenced tax management, something identified by calculating ETR, CashETR, and BTD. As a result, it was found (i) that the remuneration paid to executives may be regarded as a characteristic influencing tax management in Brazilian firms, and (ii) that the preceding tax management influences the future tax management. In addition, it was found that Brazilian companies do not rule out tax management benefits, since the average effective rate in the sample under analysis was 25%, and it is statistically lower than the nominal rate of taxes on earnings in Brazil, which is 34%.
机译:本文旨在调查公司治理是否使用税收管理来提高公司绩效。目的是检查公司治理特征(例如,付给执行董事会的薪酬,董事长与首席执行官之间的隔离以及董事会的独立性和组成)是否会影响巴西公司的税收管理。同时,它旨在确定先前的税收管理是否反映在后续的税收管理中。为此,我们使用了2008年至2014年间在BM&FBOVESPA上上市的355家巴西公司的样本,以确定它们的公司治理特征是否影响了税收管理,这可以通过计算ETR,CashETR和BTD来确定。结果,发现(i)支付给高管的薪酬可能被视为影响巴西公司税收管理的特征,并且(ii)先前的税收管理会影响未来的税收管理。此外,还发现巴西公司不排除税收管理的好处,因为被分析样本的平均有效税率为25%,并且在统计上低于巴西名义收入的名义税率34。 %。



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