首页> 外文会议>2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government >Research on corporate tax compliance, corporate governance and tax policies in China: From the international studies on the undersheltering puzzle

Research on corporate tax compliance, corporate governance and tax policies in China: From the international studies on the undersheltering puzzle




The undersheltering puzzle, proposed by Weisbach, has brought the severe challenge to the pervious researches in tax avoidance field. The solution of the puzzle has to broaden the pervious researches' framework and change the pervious hypotheses, which will bring a series of changes to tax avoidance researches such as the re-definition of corporate tax system, the introduction of governance variables and the adjustment of tax collection and administration system. This paper, based on the undersheltering puzzle, analyzes the latest international research in the motivation of corporate tax avoidance, tax avoidance participation, and the related influence to tax policies system. The main findings included that the international researches of corporate tax avoidance have been divided into two directions after the undersheltering puzzle proposed by Weisbach in the first place. The first research direction is represented by Graham and Tucker who think corporate tax avoidance is only the tool to reduce the tax burden and increase values. They have continued the traditional framework, and consider the problem of agency at the same time. The other research direction is represented by Dysai, Dyck and Wilson who think agency problems are the inherent problems of the company, which is bound to have a great impact on tax avoidance. Second, the introduction of corporate governance variables expands the perspective for corporate tax avoidance. Therefore, it is of great significance to research the motives and behaviors of corporate tax avoidance in the Chinese legal environment and institutional background. Finally, the whole corporate governance system will be improved, which can provide a certain degree of protection to help Chinese companies to develop steadily. At the same time, Analyses of Chinese corporate tax system arrangement and tax policies enforcement is proposed.
机译:魏斯巴赫(Weisbach)提出的令人困惑的难题给避税领域的以往研究带来了严峻的挑战。难题的解决方案必须拓宽以往研究的框架并改变以往的假设,这将给避税研究带来一系列变化,例如公司税制的重新定义,治理变量的引入以及税法的调整。税收征管系统。本文基于一个令人困惑的难题,分析了有关公司避税动机,避税参与以及对税收政策体系的相关影响的最新国际研究。主要发现包括,在魏斯巴赫首先提出的避税难题之后,国际上对公司避税的研究已分为两个方向。格雷厄姆和塔克(Graham and Tucker)代表了第一个研究方向,他们认为企业避税只是减轻税收负担和增加价值的工具。他们继承了传统框架,同时考虑了代理问题。 Dysai,Dyck和Wilson代表了另一个研究方向,他们认为代理问题是公司固有的问题,这必将对避税产生巨大影响。其次,公司治理变量的引入扩展了公司避税的视野。因此,研究中国法律环境和制度背景下公司避税的动机和行为具有重要意义。最后,将完善整个公司治理体系,可以为中国企业的稳定发展提供一定程度的保护。同时,对中国公司税收制度的安排和税收政策的执行情况进行了分析。



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